017 Pushover

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She pulls out her key inserting it in the lock but the lock jingles lightly causing her brows to be pulled together

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She pulls out her key inserting it in the lock but the lock jingles lightly causing her brows to be pulled together.

Stuffing the key inside the pockets of her jean shorts, Georgie tries the door knob which turns effortlessly when she goes to open the door.


That's weird.

Carefully, she opens the door only putting one foot in and gingerly stepping inside.

A wave of relief and confusion washes over her at the sight of her father fidgeting with the cable box on the couch.


Luke startles looking up from the cable box in his hand.

"Oh, Georgie. Done with work already?", he frowns.

She nods shutting the door and pulling her bag off her shoulder.

"It's Midsummer's tonight so Anna closed up early".

A faint sense of recognition crosses his face but other than that, Luke says nothing.

She decides to end the conversation as soon as possible and moves over to the kitchen halting only once when he calls out to her.

"And where's your brother? Fucking around again?".

She flinches at the tone of his words and the words themselves but refuses to show it, instead rubs her hands over her arms.

"He's with Kie, I think".

Luke scoffs, "I honestly don't see why y'all like hanging out with her so much. She's Anna's daughter, she's gonna use you and spit you out like shit".

A bubble of frustration grows inside of her, Georgie knows how much her father despises the Carreras but that doesn't mean that he's right.

Anna is still the woman who's kept her employed at The Wreck for the past two years.

Kiara is still her childhood friend who'd do anything for any of them.

So it's incredibly unfair that Luke Maybank chooses to hate them even though, the Carreras are kinda responsible for keeping him alive.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now