026 Promises

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"I have to leave", Georgie mumbles as he kisses behind her ear, tightening his grip on her bare waist

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"I have to leave", Georgie mumbles as he kisses behind her ear, tightening his grip on her bare waist.

He hums, his ring clad hands roaming her side awakening tingles as his fingers slowly touch down her skin.

His lips trail kisses down her jaw, silencing her when she goes to speak again.

She grabs on to his shoulders and throws her head back, feeling his lips move down her skin peppering kisses all over her neck and collarbone.

Goosebumps arise where his lips meet her skin, a flame of undying thirst ignites itself spreading through her like a wildfire threatening to vanquish all in its path.

This feeling is nothing compared to the feeling of him pushing himself against her, his all-consuming lips moaning out her name in her ear as he thrust himself inside of her, his hands on her hip gripping onto her as if she's his sole lifeline in a life full of hellish demands.

She shakes her head, feeling his sweaty hair tingle against her jaw, his mouth still sucking on her neck.

"Rafe", she breathes out pushing him by his shoulders.

He hums for the second time, tracing his fingers down her stomach.

She sucks in a breath when he oh so gently touches the inside of her thigh, finger slowly trailing upwards.


He stops, and pulls his head up staring right into her conflicted eyes.

He raises a brow and shifts to lie by her side, an arm coming around her waist to pull her flush against him.

"I gotta go", she whispers touching his arm.

Rafe groans hiding his face in her hair, "It's too early".

"I can't stay. I promised JJ. He'll have my head if I don't sleep there tonight".

"Stay here. I'll help you come up with an excuse", his voice sounds muffled as he shakes his head smelling the salty ocean scent of her golden hair scattered over the couch arm.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now