4 - Confessions and Cuddles

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After seeing the nurses run into her room and carrying Chloe out on a stretcher, I was not prepared for what I saw next.

I heard screaming coming down the hallway and a loud shattering noise. I ran into Chloe's room and Aubrey in hysteria. The nurses had to hold her down and gave her a sedative because she wouldn't stop screaming and kicking the nurses.

Seeing her in such fear, I almost broke down into tears. I immediately ran over to her and got on the ground and just held her while she was beginning to fall asleep.

"She- She is... g-going to d-die," Aubrey said in a sleepy voice. "I-I... sh-she can't... I-I need her h-here..." Before she could get anything else out she was asleep.

They moved her into the bed next to Chloe's room as she sleeps. After the nurses left, I climbed into the bed with her and spooned her from behind. I held her as close to me as I could.

I could only imagine what she was thinking. She had known Chloe since she was young. Being in her position I think I would have acted the same.

After laying with her for a bit, I heard a knock on the door and Beca walked in. She clearly had been crying. "Hey Stacie, how's Aubrey," Beca asked as she sat down int the chair next to the bed.

"She better now that she is asleep. Did... Did you hear what happened?"

"Yeah, I saw her on the stretcher and asked a nurse nearby and they filled me in." She took a deep breath and then continued. "Stacie, god, I don't know what to do. She is one of my best friends. She can't die. I think the worst part about all of this was that she tried to push me, all of us, away. And I let her."

She was now in tears and I had no clue what I was gonna do. I had never seen her this vulnerable. I was going to say something but she continued talking.

"Stacie, I don't know if Aubrey had told you this, but Chloe left a note for me."

"I know, Aubrey had found it on the side of the bridge."

"Do you know what it says?"

"No, Aubrey wouldn't show it to me." I didn't want Beca to think I was invading her privacy or anything.

"In the note, i-it talks about her feelings and why she did this." She took in a big breath before continuing. "And it was because of me."

"I knew it!" I shouted out. Beca's head shot up from looking in her lap and looked at me. I could tell she was a bit confused so I decided to elaborate.

"Beca, I don't know what the note says, but I do know that Chloe likes you. More than a friend. She had told us herself sometime towards the beginning of the ICCA's. She would come and talk to us whenever she needed a vent, or just whenever. And the night that you kissed Jesse, she was heartbroken. That's why she had left so early. "

Beca was silent for a bit before she spoke again. "Stacie, I need to tell you something. But you can't tell anyone else."

"Okay, I won't." I already knew what she was going to say.

"I-I umm... I also like Chloe. More than a friend of course."

A huge smile spread across my face. "I know, I figured that out pretty quickly. I have been waiting for you to come to terms with it. I guess now that you know how she feels you can finally be together."

"What? Stacie are you crazy, Chloe and I could never be together!"

"What why?" They both like each other, I don't see why not.

"Well for starters, I am with Jesse." I rolled my eyes. "And second of all, I don't want to ruin our friendship. Yeah, I do really like her, but I couldn't stand losing her. If we broke up, I don't think I would be able to handle that. I need her in my life, Stacie. These past few weeks have been hell without her."

I suddenly felt bad for her. I would hate to be in her position. I couldn't even imagine not having Aubrey. It would just be pure torture being her friend. "I guess but what if you don't breakup?"

"I don't know. It just... Well never mind."

"No Beca, if you want to talk about something, you can tell me."

I suddenly felt Aubrey move in my arms and I thought she was about to wake up, but she just flipped herself around, bring her self closer to me, nuzzling her nose into my neck.

"Okay, well I guess this whole thing just sucks. Every time we hang out and would watch a movie together, she would always lay so close to me and it just felt so nice, but as soon as the film is over she would rip her self away from me. I wish that sometimes we could lay there for hours with each other. When I'm with Jesse, I hate kissing him. Or I hate when he stays over at my dorm sometimes. It bugs me when she touches me because I love it and hate it you know? I love the way it feels to have her close to me, but it hurts because I know that she is just something that I can never have." I could tell she was going to cry again. her voice was cracking and she kept wiping under her eye.

"God, Stacie I just love her so much. But there nothing I can do." She just let out a small puff of air before she mumbled "Sorry for rambling, I just had a lot to get off my chest."

This made me sad for Beca. They deserved each other. It's obvious that Beca is suffering without Chloe. And Chloe doesn't want to live without Beca. But if she feels so strongly for Chloe, what makes her think that they will break up? "Why don't you think you two would last?"

"Because, my parents had gotten a divorce when I was young, and I learned from them is that you don't love someone forever. They will eventually get tired of you. I don't want me and Chloe to end up like that."

I went to say something else, but I felt Aubrey stir in my arms and began to wake up. "Wh-What happened? Where am I?" Aubrey asked waking up.

"You're in a hospital bed babe. You need to rest."

Aubrey quickly sat up looking around. "Where's Chloe? I-Is she okay?"

"Aubrey, babe, you need to calm down sweetie. And yes, Chloe is fine."

I looked over at Beca who I said mouthed out that she was gonna check on Chloe.

"Stacie, we should get back to campus. It's getting dark and I need to sleep."

"Alright, we can go back to my dorm" So with that being said we made our way back to Barden.


As I was walking around the hospital I asked a nurse if Chloe was okay and if I could see her. They said that she was fine and was just down the hall to the right.

When I walked into her room, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked just laying there. I know I shouldn't think like that in a time like this but I couldn't ignore it. The way her hair fell over her face, she looked so peaceful lying on the bed, as if nothing was wrong.

I sat down beside her and linked our hands together. I just sat there for a while, just taking her in.

I looked across her body and saw a white bandage wrapped around her wrist. I knew that underneath was where she has cut.

It's sad to think that she suffered through this, alone. She didn't tell anyone and look where she ended up.

Right now I would do anything for Chloe to open her eyes and talk to me.

I just sat there in the chair for a few more hours before I fell asleep. I wanted her to wake up and the first thing she sees is her hand in mine.

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