13 - Delusions and Unfortunate Decisions

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"Yeah well there is nothing I can do about it." I replied "But can we talk about something else?"

"Sure of course, but um... can I just ask you one thing?"

"Sure" I already knew what she was going to say.

"Who is it?"

I took a deep breath. I couldn't tell her that it was her, but I also couldn't lie to her.

"Do I at least know who it is?" Chloe asked.


She took a moment to think about it before speaking again. "Are they a Bella?" I just shook my head yes. "Is it-" And before she could finish that I cut her off.

"-It's you."

She paused for a second not saying anything. She just stared off into the distance, than turned her head to look at me. A small smile graced her lips. Than she leaned and gently placed her lips on mine.

I let out a content sigh as our lips touched. I guess this means she felt the same. The kiss continued until... she suddenly she ripped away from me.

"I'm sorry Beca, but I just don't feel the same."

I felt my heart break at that. She had actually rejected me. I felt as if I was going to fall over and off the side of the bed.

"Beca!" I suddenly heard Chloe screamed and I looked over at her.

"BECA!" than she reached out to me and started shaking me.

"Chloe what are yo-"

"Beca wake up!" Chloe said again.

Than suddenly my eyes shot open. That had all been a dream. Non of that was real. Chloe still has no idea how I feel about her. Thank goodness I don't talk in my sleep.

I looked around the room and found that I was laying on the hospital bed with Chloe who had her arms on my shoulder from shaking me. I looked up at the TV and saw the menu for the movie that we had just watched, well the movie she watched because I had fallen asleep.

"What? Is something wrong Chloe?" I said.

"Oh no, I just thought that I would wake you up so you would be able to make it to class." I looked at the clock and saw that it was 12:30. That meant I only had 10 minutes to get to the university if I wanted to make it on time. So I quickly detached myself from Chloe, told her goodbye and left for class.


Right now, I am back in my room making mixes. I couldn't pay attention all class. I could only think about Chloe and the dream I just had about her. I didn't really understand what the dream meant. But the more I though about it, the more confused it got me about Chloe and I's situation.

I have no idea if I should just give up on Chloe and just move on, or try keep trying and hoping that in the end, we end up together.

It's coming to a point now where it's hard to hide my feelings for her. I keep trying to push them down but they keep coming back up.

I took off my head phones and walked over top my bed and sat down.

"Ugh, this is so hard!" I said groaning to myself. I lent back on my bed and ran my hands through my hair.

I couldn't decide what I wanted to do.


My phone began to ring interrupting my thoughts. I got up, walked over to the table and picked it up answering it with out looking at the caller id.

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