26 - Couples and Happy Endings

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"Oh god, I-I have to go talk to her." With that being said Aubrey rushed out of the room to go find Stacie.

As the blonde ran out of the room she heard Chloe call out from behind her. "She is out by the lake!"

As Aubrey ran through the house trying to get to Stacie, the tall brunette was walking back from the lake with Beca to go talk to the blonde.


The closer Stacie got to the house the more anxious she had become, she honestly had no idea how Aubrey was going to react.

Beca looked over at Stacie and said to her. "Dude, you have nothing to worry about." The taller brunette just smiled at her, hoping she was right.


As soon as Aubrey had seen Stacie and Beca walking towards the cabin. "Stacie!" she called out to get the girl's attention.


Upon hearing her name, she immediately looked up to see who was calling it. Seeing Aubrey walking towards her shot a pang of anxiety over her. She began to have second thoughts about telling the blonde on how she felt. What if she rejected her and didn't feel the same way? It would make things awkward between them... She quickly pushed that thought out, she was going to tell Aubrey how she felt no matter what the outcome might be.

She had prolonged telling her feelings for a while now, and couldn't wait anymore. As soon as Aubrey walked up to her, they both stopped staring at eachother for a second. Both of them to nervous to start.


Beca quickly hurried up and walked faster to the house, as soon as she walked in she went to look for Chloe, who was watching the girls threw the window.

Beca walked towards her wrapping her arm around her waist and staring out the window with her. "Do you think they'll get back together?"

"I hope so." Chloe said.


"Uh... Hi." Stacie muttered out, chastising herself for how stupid that was to just say 'hi'.

Aubrey giggled a little. "Hi."

Stacie took a deep breath than, preparing herself to talk to Aubrey. "Aubrey... I umm, well do you wanna take a walk?"

Aubrey shook her head instead. "Not yet, I- there is something we need to talk about."

"Sure, why don't we go out to the doc and sit." So the two of them took a walk to the edge of the dock and sat down, feet hanging off.

It was silent for a bit before Aubrey looks over at Stacie and says "Why didn't you tell me?"

"What?" Stacie replied, she wasn't 100 percent certain what she was talking about.

"Why didn't you tell me about us?" Aubrey says before a tear came to her eyes. "Was it that easy not to be with me anymore?"

"What Aubrey no." Stacie said panicking. "The doctor said not to rush you about everything with your memories and I didn't want to put that on you. You couldn't remember the season I didn't want to spring a whole relationship on you that you had no idea about. I was just waiting."

"How long would you have waited?"

Stacie huffed and looked down. "I'm honestly not sure. Beca just told me  Should tell you tonight-"

"But would you have told me on your own?" Aubrey ask's taking her hand. "Without Beca telling you to?"

"I... I don't know. I didn't want you to feel guilty."

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