21 - Cuddly Girlfriends and Wrong Thinking

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This story will be written in 3rd person unless it say's otherwise.

Chloe woke up in her bed to the feeling of something warm pressed against her back. Which was completely different from what she was normally used to. She was normally the big spoon, not Beca.

As she turned around she noticed that Beca was already awake. "Goodmorning gorgeous" Beca said as she leaned in and placed a small kiss on my lips. After they broke apart Beca moved closer to the redhead and buried her face into the crook of her neck and wrapped her arms around her. "Mmm, you're so comfortable Chlo."

She just smile and pulled her closer, loving the fact that her girlfriend was being all cuddly with her.

"Becs it's 9:23 a.m we should get up." And as Chloe started to move out of bed, but Beca only held her tighter.

"No, please Chloe? I don't want to get up just yet." She then looked down at her girlfriends face and the brunette began to pout.

Chloe thought that she looked absolutely adorable and wanted to stay her with her too but she also wanted to get up and eat breakfast. "Alright, only 10 more minutes though."

So they just stayed in bed cuddle up next to eachother.

After a couple minutes of just talking, cuddling, placing innocent kisses here and there suddenly turned into a full blown out make session.

Beca was on top of Chloe, trailing kisses down her neck while the redhead tried grinding her hips into the brunette to try and get some friction there. Beca moved up and down onto Chloe's pulse point making her moan and lift her hips up further into her.

She moved backup and began to kiss her lips again immediately sliding her tongue in. Chloe put her hands underneath the bruette shirt lightly running her hands across Beca's stomach and up towards her chest.

And just as she was about to take her shirt off the heard on knock on Chloe's door. "You two better not be having sex in there." They heard Aubrey's voice from behind the door.

"What do you want?" Beca groaned, pulling part of her shirt down.

"I want to talk to Chloe." She could feel the redhead tense underneath her. She thought for a minute, before answering. "Alright, I'll be out in a minute."

When Chloe came out of the room she found the blonde sitting on the couch and sat down next to her.

"You were right." Aubrey said starting off. "I've been thinking about what you said, and I shouldn't be using Jesse as a distraction. "

Chloe smiled at her. "Well I'm glad that you aren't going to lead him on. He is actually a good guy, he deserves better than that."

"Yeah, I guess he does. And uhh... Chloe, I just want to apologize for what I said last night. It was out of line and I want you to know that I didn't mean any of it. I need you and I'm pretty sure Beca does to."

She took a deep breath "I know that now Aubrey, but lets just drop it. I mean I forgive and stuff but like I don't want to talk about it."

The blonde just shook her head.

"So did you already cancel the date with Jesse?"

"No, but I think I will go over to his apartment around noon though. I mean, it's better to do it face to face."

Around noon that day, Aubrey left to go out to Jesse to tell him that she couldn't see him. Meanwhile Stacie was making her way across campus to her apartment.

Last night Aubrey's phone fell out of her bag, so Stacie was going to return it. When she knocked on the door she heard some shuffling from the inside before the door opened.

She was expecting to see Aubrey but instead was meet with a half naked and a very irritated brunette. "What do you want?"

"Well hello to you to Beca, I was just wondering if Aubrey was here. She left her phone at my place."

"No she isn't hear, she's at Jesse's place. But I can give it to her when she comes back."

Stacie's heart sank at that. "Alright, well here." she said handing Beca the phone. "Bye." she said before quickly hurrying off.

As she got back into her room, the pain from her heartbreak was becoming too unbearable. She quickly pulled out the cigarette, lightening it up, and preparing herself for this upcoming week they will be at Aubrey's cabin.


At around 9:14 p.m Stacie went outside to get some fresh air and to be able to smoke out there. As she was halfway through her cigarette she looked up and saw a couple walking towards them.

She suddenly became very envious of them. Thats what her and Aubrey used to have. After every date, they would walk around campus together until they got to Stacie dorm where Aubrey would most likely spend the night.

As the couple got closer she realized who it was. and of course with just her luck it was Jesse and Aubrey. She put her cigarette out and turned to go back into the dorms she heard Jesse voice call out her name.

You turn around and see them walking closer to you.

As Stacie watches them walk she begins to feel jealous of Jesse. Jesse has his hand in Aubrey's while Aubrey is looking at him adoringly. And she's seen that look before, it was the same way she used to look at her. But in her opinion it looks a bit duller, but that's probably just wishful thinking.

"Hey Stacie, how are you? I didn't see you at the party last night." Jesse says to her. She hates the way he is smiling at her. But realizes that she has to get over it, because he is Aubrey's boyfriend.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. And I was at the party for a little but I felt tired and went back to my dorms." Aubrey just looked at Stacie. She knew it was a lie, but wasn't going to say anything.

"Alright, well it was nice talking to you Stacie. Come on, Aubrey. "Jesse said wrapping his arm around the blonde and planting a kiss on the top of her head. "Let's go, you have a busy day tomorrow."

After they walked away and were a good distance from Stacie, Jesse let go of Aubrey's hand. "Do you think she believed it?"

"Let's hope so." Replied Aubrey.

Meanwhile Stacie just watched them as they walked off before running up into her dorm room. She felt like absolute hell. She just lied on her bed thinking about what had just happened, letting than pain in her chest take over her entire body.

She hated herself.

She should have told Aubrey how she felt when she had the chance. And now the brunette regrets it more than anything. Stacie wanted to the one who got to walk her home from one of their dates. But of course, that opportunity was long gone now.

Do you guys ship Staubrey? Or would you guys like if Jesse and Aubrey got together.

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