25 - Cliches and Obliviousness

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Beca woke up in her and Chloe's room alone.

At first she started panicking because the redhead wasn't with her. The brunette immediately sat up in bed looking around for the redhead.

It wasn't until she heard Chloe flick the lights off in the bathroom and open the door she realized that she was still here.

"Chloe why are you out of bed? It's like really early."

She laughed a little before saying. "Becs it's 9:30, it's not that early."

The redhead turned around to get her swimsuit out of the suitcase, meanwhile Beca got out of bed and from behind wrapped her arms around her waist.

Chloe stood up straight, leaning into her embrace. She loved when Beca held her from behind.

"You know, you been really clingy lately."

"So? I thought you liked physical contact?" Beca said losing her grip. "Do you want me to stop?"

Chloe mentally groaned at herself, that came out wrong. "No it's just, you're not normally like this. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I guess it's just..." Beca paused before finishing. "I guess I'm just scared I'm going to lose you." She hated sounding vulnerable.

The redhead looked a little puzzled. "Why would you lose me?"

"I don't know... just this year alone you tried to kill yourself, twice. I'm just scared you'll do it again and actually succeed."

Chloe turned in Beca's embrace to face her. "Beca, I promise, I won't try it again."

"How do you know that. You might have another relapse."

She just shook her head, thinking for a bit before burying it into Beca's neck. They held each other for little more before Chloe whispered into Beca's ear, "I promise that after this, I will find some counselling to go to. I don't want you to be scared of losing me."

The brunette shook her head, pulling the girl's face out from her neck connecting their lips.

Chloe moaned into the kiss, she still couldn't get over how good of a kisser Beca was. She loved the feeling of their lips together. She pulled the closer wrapping her arms around the smaller girl's waist.

Just as she felt Beca's tongue enter her mouth, there was a loud bang on the door. They broke apart immediately when they heard a voice say "Leaving in 10, tell the others."

They both got into their bathing suits, before Chloe left to wake up Stacie and Aubrey. She hoped Stacie was feeling happier today and would actually join them.

Meanwhile in Aubrey and Stacie room...

The blonde was just asking the taller brunette to join them at the lake today when she realized how close to each other and soon they both realized how intimate their position was. Aubrey and Stacie looked at each other, their eyes trailing down to the others lips, and both felt themselves leaning in.

They both closed their eyes went the felt the other breath on their lips. Just as Stacie was about to close the gap between them the door to their room burst open with Chloe yelling "We are leaving for the lake in five."

The had broken apart and each one was on the other side of the bed. Aubrey just smiled Stacie, knowing that they were going to have to talk about this later.

It was a little awkward getting ready, but neither of the girls talked about it.

As they all got down to the lake Chloe was the first one into the water making Beca chasing after her. Soon Fat Amy joined them and before they knew it all the bellas were in the water, except for Stacie.

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