19 - Saving Lives and Horrible Situations

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: So I decided to continue this story. I just thought, since this past week I had actually read it back I realized how depressing it was, that it wasn't very enjoyable to read anymore. I don't really like this story, but apparently lots of you guys do, so for you guys I will continue this story and finish it. But don't worry, I will actually put effort into it and try to make it good.  Also if you wanted to read the alternative ending go to my fanfiction.net account. My username and there is Ecosphere.


"I do, I hate you Beca." Chloe said before she turned and started running.

I tried to tell myself that she didn't mean that but the overpowering feeling of heartbreak and devastation took over. Did she really hate me? Was all the times she told me that she loved me a lie and was really just leading me on?

It's not worth it to think too much about it, I tell myself. But those words just keep repeating over and over in my head. I hate you Beca. Did she really mean it?

I just took my foot and kicked the rock on the ground looking up to see where it lands. As I look up I can see her running away in the distance.  She wasn't to far away but I could make out her figure.

But the weird thing about it is that she is running the opposite way of her an Aubrey's apartment. I stood there for a little bit, wondering where she was going until it hit me... She was going to try and kill herself.

It must have been something Aubrey had said to her. I quickly took off running towards the bridge. While Jesse's and I were dating he showed me a short cut from the BTM house, so if I took it there might be a chance that I could atleast get there before Chloe does.

After running for 4 minutes my lungs began to burn and my knees began to grow weaker, I knew I wouldn't be able to run much longer so I tried picking up my pace to get there faster.

I was only about 50 yards away from the bridge when I saw Chloe get there. I tried to yell out to her but I couldn't make out any words. She was standing on the ledge looking over into the waters below. I saw her reach up onto her face and wipe away the tears.

She stuck her one foot over the edge and was about to take a step off when I called out her name. Chloe seemed to jump a little and brought her foot back onto the bridge but not getting down.

"Chloe don't jump, please!" I said as I got to the bridge, my lungs were burning and my knees felt as if they were going to collapse.

"Why n-not?" She said, her voice cracking. "Why shouldn't I jump?"

I hated hearing her sound so broken.

"Because I need yo-" She cut me off before I could finish.

"-You don't need me Beca, we both know that." She said turning around on the ledge to look at me. "And really what is the point of me living if no one needs me? They were right, I'm worthless. I'm damaged, broken and just a burden that nobody wants to carry. But I completely understand that, I wouldn't want to have someone like me around. So Beca please just let me go and do this, it will just be easier for everyone."

I was confused for about who she was talking about when she they were right but I will ask her about it later.

"Chloe please don't do this." I said taking a walking forward.

"Take one more step Beca and I'll jump." Hearing her say that I stopped my movement.

"Chloe, no matter what you think or anybody tells you I do need you. I love you so much, and I need you in my life-"

"No Beca!" She said closing her eyes and putting her fingers on her temples. "You don't understand. I... I..." her voice began to falter."

"What is it?"

"E-Ever since the accident, I... well the doctors, they said I have PTSD." That didn't surprise me at all, I had been woken up many times at night here Chloe screaming or feeling her thrashing out in her sleep only to find out she was having a nightmare about the accident.

"That still won't change how I feel about you, but please, just get down from there." I pleaded.

She just stood up there, for a second it looked like she was going to get down but she took a step back. "I can't Beca. I'm sorry." started panicking, I couldn't let Chloe jump. I need her here with me.

Chloe turned back around to face the water, she took a deep breath and jumped.

But before she could fall down into the water I grabbed her arm. It must have been an act of adrenaline because normally I don't have that kinda strength.

She looked up and me and started thrashing around in my arm to get me to let go. I brought my other arm around to grab on to hers. She wasn't very heavy but her weight started to pull me over.

"Chloe, sweetie, I need you just pull yourself. up."

"No Beca, just let go please!" She yelled back at me and hit my arm with her other hand. The impact from her hand caused me to let go for just a second allowing her to slip down my arm just a little. Instead I ended up holding her hand.

"Please, just let me help you back up here. I'm not gonna let go so if you fall, so do I."

That seemed to strike a chord in her. She looked back up at me stopped moving and trying to let go. "No, you wouldn't do that."

"Do what?"

"Die trying to save me. You can't do that, you have a whole life ahead of you."

My grip began to loosen and she started slipping through my hand. I realized if I was going to be able to pull her back up I would have to do it fast. "Yes I would. I would do anything for you. I need you Chloe, you can't just leave me. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, I love you." I said quickly trying to get that all out.

She took a second to process that before she started crying again. "I'm sorry" she said.

"Come on Chloe, just grab the side of the bridge and let me pull you up." And this time she did as I said. She grabbed the side and helped pulled herself up.

As she climbed over the railing and got back onto the bridge I wrapped my arms around her pulling her as close to me as I could. She did the same to me and buried her face in my neck. After that, I let go the tears that I had been holding in. "Please don't ever do that again." I whispered to her.

We stood there for a bit just holding onto each other, then began to make our way back to her apartment. We we got there we just got out of our clothes into something a bit more comfortable to wear.

As I finished changing I walked into the bathroom, only to find Chloe staring at herself in the mirror. So I walked up behind her wrapping my arm around her waist placing a small kiss in the crook of her neck, before resting my chin on her shoulder. "What are you thinking about?"

"What just happened tonight." She paused taking a deep breath before she continued. "I'm sorry for what I put you through, I just-"

"Chloe it's fine, I am just glad that you're still alive."

She turned around in my arms bringing her hands the side of my face pulling me in for a kiss. It was a very short kiss before she pulled away resting her forehead against mine. "I'm so lucky to have." She says giving me a small kiss on the nose.

"I think I'm the lucky one Beale, not you."

She looked at me puzzled. "And why is that?"

"Because I know how you think. You think that you aren't worth it or deserve of something, and no matter how much I hate knowing that you think like that, it just means that I get to spend every day proving you wrong. Because you are worth it to me, in every way possible."

After that she let out a small sob and began to cry. I just wrapped my arms tighter around her.

"I love you." she whispered into my ear.

"I love you too."

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