10 - Adrenaline and Realizations

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Just an F.Y.I, this is a long chapter and towards the end it is a little graphic.


We were already on our way towards the crash sight. They said that they still hadn't left yet. Stacie made me drive because, with the way she reacted to the call we would have been in our own car accident.

Well actually, Stacie didn't make me she ended up falling on the ground and I had to drag her to the car.

Unlike Stacie, I kept myself together. I was not going to cry in front of anyone.

I know Aubrey was my friend, but I had to be strong for Stacie and Chloe.

Thank the lord that Chloe wasn't in the car with Aubrey. I probably would have reacted the same way as Stacie but only worse.

(AU:*Oh and incase anyone is confused, Stacie didn't tell Beca that Chloe was also in the accident, she only mentioned Aubrey*)

We had gotten the call from Fat Amy, who had gotten the call from Jesse because he didn't have Stacie number.

And I have no idea how he had Fat Amy's number.

Apparently from what Stacie had mumbled out was that Aubrey was in a bad car accident and Jesse had found there car and called 911.

As we arrived at the I grabbed Stacie out of the car, thank goodness she kinda composed herself to where she could stand up.

All the other Bellas where already here and as we looked over the scene and they had filled us in on what had happened. Apparently the guy who had hit Aubrey drove away, so it was basically a hit and run.

We looked over the edge of the hill onto where the car had fallen down.

Seeing the car and imagining what Aubrey must have went through brought tears to my eyes. But I just choked them down because I was not going to cry. At least not in front of anyone.

The car that there were in was basically crushed. The front of the car looked burnt up, there were no glass in the windows anymore.

The car looked all bent and twisted up, I was surprised that Aubrey survived that.

When Stacie saw the sight of the car she broke down into hysterics, crumbling to the ground letting out loud sobs.

All the girls just gave her a look of sympathy, knowing that Aubrey was probably all bent up and might not make it out of this.

As looked around, I noticed Chloe wasn't there. She probably was already at the hospital.


As we arrived at the hospital, I looked around and didn't see Chloe anywhere. I went back to they waiting room and sat down next to Stacie and put my arm around her.

I know I don't really like touching people, but Stacie was a mess, so I figured she could use some comfort. I felt her wrap my arms around me and buried her head in my neck as she continued crying.

I heard her take a deep breath and than she said "B-Beca, what i-if she... s-she d-doesn't m-mak..." But she couldn't even finish saying that without letting out another sob. I felt her shaking now, and trying to calm herself down but it wasn't working.

If anything it only made it worse because she began to sob louder and bury her head further into my neck.

Seeing her like this just broke my heart. Normally she is really upbeat and happy, I have never seen her like this. And it really hurts to see her cry like this. In the beginning of her and Aubrey's relationship, I had some doubt's that Stacie actually loved her. It seemed like, in the beginning, she was with aubrey just to be with Aubrey. Like she only stayed because she knew how much Aubrey liked her and didn't want to hurt her.

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