23 - Misundertandings and Love

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"I love you"

Wait What? Stacie wondered if she had heard Aubrey correctly or if she had fallen asleep and was just dreaming.

She began feeling so many mixed emotions, did she really mean that or did it just slip out? Either way, Stacie knew that she only meant it as a friend. But that didn't stop her from hoping that it meant a little bit more.

"I love you too." She then felt Aubrey kiss her lightly on the shoulder before rolling back over in her arms again.

The brunette laid there in shock, her shoulder still tingling from where Aubrey had kissed her. She was so confused right now, but figured that she would think about it tomorrow. Maybe talk to Beca about it.

Stacie just pulled Aubrey closer to her, holding her tighter and breathing her in.


The next day the girls decided to go out to the lake, they all had their bathing suits on and were playing in the water. Well everyone except for Stacie.

She said that she just didn't want to go to the lake today, and Beca made a mental note to talk to her about it. She knew that there was something wrong with Stacie.

She had been acting differently lately. She wasn't as happy as she used to be and there were some definite changes in the way she was dealing with things. Like you had to be careful what you said around her.

It was obvious that you didn't bring up Aubrey around her, but it wasn't just that. It was like she had suddenly become more insecure lately.

As Beca was thinking about Stacie, she hadn't realized Chloe coming up behind her. She looked down into the water and saw ripples coming from behind her before she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. Beca leant back into the embrace, taking in the feeling of Chloe pressed against her.

"Hey" The redhead said in a soft voice.

Beca turned her head and pressed a kiss against the redhead cheek. "Hi" She whispered into her ear. They just stood there for minute like this, enjoying being in each others presence.

"What are you thinking about?"

Beca let out a puff of air. "Stacie and Aubrey, well mainly Stacie."


"I'm just worried about Stacie. Do you..." Beca said trailing off trying compose her thoughts. "Do you think there's something wrong with her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, she hasn't been herself lately. Do you think it has something to do-"

"-with Aubrey?" Chloe said cutting her off. "Possibly."

They stayed quiet for a while, before the brunette turned around in her arms wrapping them around her waist pulling her closer and resting her head on the redhead's shoulder.

Chloe just laughed at Beca a little. " You know, you have been really cuddly lately."

"So? I thought you liked this kind of stuff."

"Oh no, I do it's just... you don't. So why all of a sudden have started?"

"Well maybe I just like cuddling with you?" She said leaning up to place a small kiss on her lips.

The redhead seemed to believe her and let it go at that. It wasn't the whole truth, only a small part. She had other reason for being so close to Chloe, but she didn't want to discuss that now.


That night Chloe and Beca laying in bed together, their limbs tangled. Beca's head on Chloe's chest, listening to the sound of her heartbeat.

The brunette loved these types of moments, the ones where it was just them two. She loved being this close to her. Beca looked up at Chloe to see she had her eye's closed, so Beca just took a second to admire how beautiful she was. The way her red hair fell down her shoulders, the calm expression on her face.

She knew that this sounded cliche, but with her it was true, she couldn't point out one flaw on her face. Well not just her face but her whole body.

And even though Chloe might say to Beca that her scars are ugly and that she doesn't like them, but to Beca she didn't really care. She would look just as beautiful with or without them.

Chloe opened her eyes to find Beca staring at her. She just smiled and looked down blushing slightly.

Honestly this felt like all of a dream to Chloe, it was seemed too good to be true. She still couldn't believe that Beca actually loved her.

Suddenly she felt a hand under her chin lifting her head up to look at Beca. They looked into each other eyes for a few moments before they both began to lean in closing the distance.

The kiss started slow and very passionate. Showing eachother how one felt for the other felt.

Feeling Beca's lips on her's was something absolutely amazing. She couldn't even begin to describe how it felt.

Eventually the kiss began to become something much more heated to the point where Beca was practically grinding down on Chloe. Her mouth quickly latching itself onto the redheads pulse point sucking hard making her let out a very loud moan.

Chloe began  lifting her hips to meet Beca to create more friction down there.

The brunette began trailing kisses up and down her neck, biting and sucking ever know and then. She eventually brought her mouth back to the redheads immediately slipping her tongue in and meeting Chloe's.

Beca's hands began paying with the hem of the redheads shirt before slowly running her hands hands across the smooth skin underneath. She then began trailing her hands up Chloe's chest and just as they were about to reach their destination, she stopped them.

She detached her mouth from Chloe's trying to catch her breath before she spoke. "I uh..." Her brain still fuzzy from the make out session. "I think w-we should stop."

Chloe shook her head, agreeing with Beca. "Yeah that's probably a good idea."

They detached their bodies and repositioned themselves, to where Chloe was spooning Beca from behind.

"Goodnight Beca, I love you." Chloe said placing a small kiss on the back of her neck.

"Goodnight and love you too." Than Beca laced her fingers with Chloe's before falling asleep.


Meanwhile in Stacie and Aubrey's room, the brunette was already in bed sleeping when the blonde came back from her phone call with her "boyfriend" Jesse.

When she got ready and climb into bed with Stacie she began to wonder if she should just give up and stop trying. She was beginning to feel as if it was just pointless trying to make her jealous. Apparently they were only ever friends, and it just seems as if that is all they will ever be.

Aubrey wanted to be more with Stacie, but the feeling just isn't reciprocated. It sucks and it hurts a lot, actually a lot more than Aubrey would have anticipated, she still wanted to be friends with the brunette.

But the hard part about being friends with her would be moving on. Which would mean that she would have to want to stop loving her and actually try to. She would have to let go of all hope of them being together.

It would be hard, but she would do it but if that meant sucking up her feelings and acting as if she just liked Stacie in a platonic way than she would. The blonde would have to tell Jesse that he wouldn't have to pretend to be her boyfriend anymore and that she was giving up.

She got closer to Stacie in bed, they weren't touching but they were pretty close. The brunette's back was still facing her so she couldn't see her face.  Aubrey was kind of glad, because it would be harder for her to sleep in Stacie's arms. It wouldn't exactly help her move one.

Instead it would just give her false hope of them ever being together, and she didn't need anymore of that.

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