8 - Hangovers and Surprises

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AUTHORS NOTE: The story is going start to get pretty frustrating so brace yourself.


I felt a bright light shine over my eyes and I opened them only to be welcomed by sunlight. I quickly looked away trying to bury myself into my pillow more, but ended up bringing my head and nuzzling it into Chloe's neck.

Pulling back slightly to look at her face, I began to remember what happened last night.

I buried myself into her neck again and pretend that she was my girlfriend and that it was only us two. I pretend that we were happy together.

I must have just laid there for an hour before I felt her begin to move in my arms.

Here was the hardest part, because now I would have to pretend that I felt nothing towards her and that I was okay with being friends.

She slightly began to sit up when I heard her groan and lay back down.

"You okay there Chloe?"

She nodded her and than her eyes snapped open and she quickly turned her head to look at me.

"Beca? How- How did I get here? What happened last night?" Chloe said looking around my room realizing where she was.

Thank goodness she didn't remember about last night. "Last night I found you walking around campus and brought you back her and let you stay the night." I said, at least I wasn't lying to her. I was just telling her parts of the truth.

After we got up, I got her some aspirin and water for her to drink. Than we left my dorm, and I took her back to her apartment.

When she went back to her apartment she opened the door, and as soon as she walked in Aubrey slammed into her giving Chloe a bone crushing hug.

"Chloe! My god, you had me worried sick, where were you?" Aubrey asked and it looked as if she was on the verge of tears.

"I have no idea, everything about last night is still pretty fuzzy to me, hopefully I will remember later."

Than out of Aubrey's dorm Stacie walked out and as soon as she saw Chloe, she ran over and wrapped her arms around her and gave her a big hug.

"Chloe, your back! Please don't ever do that again." Stacie said still holding Chloe.

"I won't, even though I can't make any promises because I don't remember anything." Chloe said

"Alright, well I am glad to see that your okay Chloe, but I am gonna head out." Stacie said and than turned to me. "Beca, are you coming?"

"Uhh... yeah sure." I said than turning to towards Aubrey and Chloe I could see Aubrey glaring at me.

Than Stacie went over to her girlfriend and gave her a small kiss and whispered something into her ear which made Aubrey smile.

I wish I could do that to Chloe, give her a kiss before I leave. "Alright well see you guys later." I said and Stacie and I left.

After we walked out of her there apartment, Stacie took me back to her dorm and I was pretty confused why she dragged me here.

As we got into her dorm, she sat me down on the bed. I knew she wanted to talk about something.

"Alright Beca spill." Stacie said breaking the silence.


"Tell me what happened last night. You don't seem your regular self, you acting pretty glooming today."

"Nothing happened last night."

"Come on Beca, I know your lying to me."

I didn't know if I should tell her. I mean she was my best friend, besides Chloe.

"Alright, but please don't tell anyone." I said in a serious tone.

Stacie just shook her and made a motion with her hand that looked like she was locking her lips.

"Alright..." I said than explained the whole situation to her. But I left out the part about the kiss with her. And I think Stacie realized I didn't tell her something.

"So that's all that happened? Nothing else?" She said in a voice that made her sound suspicious.

"Yep, just what I told you."

"Really Beca? Because you seem a little upset for just that happening?" I know she wanted me to tell her, and under her intense stare at me, I cracked.

I took a deep breath, "Okay fine! I will tell you. I.. uh, we kissed."

"WHAT!" Stacie blurted out. "Oh my god, I am so happy for you too!"

"No, Stacie. That's all, we just kissed. And afterwords, she told how it meant nothing to her and that she doesn't feel... the same" Suddenly it hit me. It was really hard to say this out loud. I took a drop breath and tried to swallow this lump in my throat.

"Oh, Beca. I'm- I'm sorry." Stacie said wrapping her arms around me.

"Me too." I said and finally let the tears go that I had been holding back. "I swear this is just like some oblivious Camren fanfic."

"What? Who's Camren?" Stacie asked super confused.

"They're no one, that ship sunk December 18, 2016." Beca replied unhappily and continued to cry into Stacie.

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