14 - Second Kisses and Interruptions

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"Hey, everything will be alright." Beca whispered to me. "She is gonna make it through this okay."

I felt a few tears drop from my eyes. I loved seeing Beca like this, I loved her caring side.

I was just about to reach up and wipe away the tears that had fallen from my eyes, but Beca brushed them away with her thumb.

Our faces were so close to each other, if I leaned forward just a little bit our lips would be pressed together. I looked right at Becas eye's and watched as they trailed down to my lips.

I closed my eye's just taking in how intimate this moment was. It's not an everyday thing, that I get to be this close to Beca Mitchell. I could feel her breath on my lips. I had to use all my self control to stop my self from leaning in.

Just as I was about to open my eyes, I felt a pair of lips on mine.

At first I was taken back, not expecting the kiss. I thought that I was just imagining it, because frankly, it seemed to good to be true.

But as I heard a content sigh escape from her lips, I realized that this was actually happening. She was really kissing me.

It took me a few seconds, but I eventually began to kiss back.

Our lips began moving in sync against each others. Her lips were so soft, and my god is she a good kisser. She slowly began to move onto the bed and straddle me. She gently placed her weight on my avoiding my injuries.

I brought my good arm and placed my hand on her hips pulling her closer towards me as she brought her other hands and placed it on the opposite side of my face. Suddenly I felt something soft move across my bottom lip, I opened her my mouth and I felt her tongue enter into my mouth.

She began exploring my mouth and all I could do was just moan at the contact. Eventually the need for air was becoming to much and she pulled her tongue away giving me a small lingering kiss on my lips before pulling back completely.

She gently placed her forehead against mine still keeping our faces close.

I opened my eyes to look at her face seeing if she had any look of rejection on her face, but I found non. She still hadn't opened her eyes yet.

I moved my hand from her hip and brought my arm around her neck. Both of our chest moving up and down, still out of breath from the kiss we had just shared.

I closed my eyes again for a little bit just taking in her presence. I still couldn't believe that that just happened. I was still scared though, that when I opened my eyes again, I would fine Beca's face looking at me with discuss, or realizing that she didn't mean to do that.

"Hey" I heard Beca say, making me open my eyes. "You don't have to worry, I-I wanted to do that."

I just looked at her slightly confused. It was like she could read my thoughts. "H-How..."

"Your facial expression changed so many times, it wasn't hard to tell what you were thinking." I didn't realize that I was easy to read like that.

We sat like that for a bit, just our foreheads pressed against each other. I kept glancing at her eyes. Now being so close to her, I could finally get a good look at them.

Then Beca spoke, breaking the silence in the room. "So, um... I don't mean to ruin the moment or anything, but ah.. I was just wondering, since you kissed back, does that mean that you l-like me too?" I looked over her face again and realized how vulnerable she looked right now. I just smiled at how cute she was right now, and gave her a small kiss on the nose.

"If by like you mean as in the love kind of like, than yes, I do like you too."

Upon hearing me say that she grew the biggest smile on her face. I had never seen her smile like before, not even when she was with Jesse. She looked so beautiful smiling, it was almost breath taking - no -it was breathtaking.

Seeing her smile like that made a smile cross over my face, and I had actually felt happy. It had been over two months since I had last felt happy like this.

And suddenly, for the first time since I had my attempt, I and actually very happy that the doctors saved me, and that I lived.

I brought her lips against mine again, both of us smiling in to the kiss. It was sloppy at first, but eventually turned into slow, passionate, sensual kisses.

I loved kissing her. When her lips were against mine I completely forgot about everything else and focused on her. I forgot about Aubrey being taking off of life support in a few hours, I forgot about how I failing a class, I forgot about being stuck in this hospital. All of my thoughts were clouded and I could only think about her.

She slowly began to pull back bringing my bottom lip with her. I let out a small moan at the feeling.

She than moved herself down and began placing small kisses on my neck. I adjusted my neck so she could have better access to it. She kissed up and down gently sucking and biting on the way. When she brought her lips to a spot underneath my jaw and bit down, I let out a loud moan and arched my back of the bed pressing into her chest. We both groaned at the contact.

She began to soothe the spot down with her tongue. She moved her way back to my lips, giving me open mouth kisses. I immediately responded, kissing back with the same amount of passion.

We continued making out until we heard the door to the room open up. When Beca heard that she immediately threw herself off of me, which sent her crashing onto the floor.

"Beca! Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I asked leaning over the side of the bed.

"Yeah, I'm good." she said slowly standing up.

We both looked over at the door and found Stacie standing there with a huge smile across her face. "Did I just walk in on you to making out?" She asked with a big grin on her face. I could feel my face heating up so I just looked down.

"Wow, Stacie way to be discreet." Beca said sarcastically as she sat down on the chair beside my bed.

"Well? Were you?" Stacie asked.

"God, yes we were." Beca answered.

"Finally!" Stacie said excitedly. "Now go cuddle on the bed with your girlfriend so I can have the chair."

"Oh, well umm... we aren't officially girlfriend's yet." I said, moving over for Beca to crawl into bed with me.

"What? Why not?"

"Well... neither of us asked the other yet." Beca said answering.

"Oh, sorry. Did I kind of interrupt that?" Stacie asked.

"Well kinda, we were just kissing though." Beca say's while she crawled into bed and curled up into my side wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head onto my shoulder. I than wrapped my good arm around her, bring her closer towards me and resting my head on top of hers.

"Aww, you two are so cute together!" said Stacie.

We had spent two hours togethers all three of us just talking. It was 5:20 p.m now, and at 7:30 p.m they would be taking Aubrey off of life support.

If we are being honest here, I was really dreading 7:30. I don't think I am ready for that. I mean there is a 50/50 chance that Aubrey could either live or die, and the doctors said that they have already done everything they can to make sure she lives. All it depends on now is how her body reacts when she is taken off life support.

But at least I don't have to go through losing Aubrey alone, I have Beca with me now and she has me. And thank goodness for that, because it gives me hope that there might actually be a happy ending. And in fact, I won't lose her after all.

AU: Brace yourself, more frustration is coming...

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