7 - Drunk Actions and Sober Thoughts

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Our face's were so close. I wanted nothing more than to lean in and connect our lips.

But I knew that I couldn't do that. There was this nagging thought in the back of my head that she was with someone else and that this wasn't fair to them.

I looked down at her lips again and before I could even process what was going on, I realized we were both leaning in.

I tried to stop moving closer but I couldn't help myself.  I needed to kiss her.

And for the first time, our lips gently touched.

I almost moaned at the contact, but kept it to myself. I had waited over 7 months, and it felt so good to finally kiss her.

I knew that I probably should pull away, but I couldn't bring myself to do so.

This is the only chance I will ever get to kiss her so I decided to soak it in. After this things are going to be different between us.

But there was also a small thought that she was also leaning in towards me to. And that small thought sparked a little hope inside me.

It felt amazing, but it also hurt at the same time. I knew that I was jeopardizing her and Jesse's relationship, but this would was probably the last time I would ever get to be this close to Beca.

Suddenly I felt a need for air, so I began to prepare myself for the rejection. Soon she quickly pulled away and just stared at me. The look on her face actually gave me hope that she felt something towards me.

"Beca, I-I sorry... I didn't." I began to say but Beca stopped me.

"Chloe it's fine." she said with a small smile on her face.

"No it's not, I just kissed you and you're already in a relationship with someone else..."

Beca then brought me down to sit on her bed "Listen Chloe it's okay, I know you're drunk, but I..."

I had no idea what I was thinking but I just blurted this out "You're right, I'm like so drunk. Have I ever told you I'm an affectionate drunk?" My words were all slurred together but I'm sure she understood. "You're like one of my best friend Becs, sorry for kissing you."

"Right... you're drunk, and were-"she took a breath before she continued, "-just friends." For some reason she looked a little hurt after that, but I just shook it off. I was probably just imagining it.

"Totes!" I said then stumble backwards after losing my balance.

"Well your probably tired, let's get you to bed." The tone in her voice seemed to drop, she didn't seem as happy anymore.

She helped me put my shirt on will she put me into her bed. I scooted over expecting her to climbed in but she just laid down on the floor. Normally when we have sleep overs we share a bed. She is probably trying to put distance between us, she is just upset about the kiss and how she cheated on Jesse. "Beca, why are you down there? You know we can share the bed right?"

"Yeah, I know but I wanted to sleep on the floor."

"Come on Beca, you can sleep beside me. I don't want to take your bed."

"No Chloe, I'm good."

"Beca are you sure? Because-"

"I said I was fine Chloe." Beca snapped back at me "Now just go to sleep"

She was silent for a while after that.

I couldn't bring myself to fall asleep after that so I just laid there thinking about the kiss that we had just shared.

Suddenly I heard a small muffled sob, and it sounded like Beca was crying. I leaned over the side of the bed to see if everything was okay. She was lying down on the floor with blanket wrapped tightly around her and her head resting on a small pillow. I could tell from the shape of the blanket that she was curled up in a small ball, and with the small light coming from the moon outside, I could make out tears falling down her face.

"Beca, is everything okay? What's wrong?" She jumped and just looked up at me.

"Chloe, oh sorry. I thought you were asleep. I didn't mean to wake you, go back to sleep." she said turning over again.

"No Beca, somethings wrong. Please talk to me?" She just looked up at me and stared, I could tell she was thinking. "Come here" I said gesturing for her to climb in bed with me.

She got up off the floor and climbed underneath the covers with me. I put my arm around her waits and pulled her close to me.

"Chloe, ho-how drunk are you?"

"Pretty drunk, I most likely won't remember any of this tomorrow." I was confused as to why she was asking me this.

"It's okay, I was just wondering because you seem pretty sober right now."

I didn't really know how to respond to that so I just pulled her closer and nuzzled my nose into her neck. "Goodnight Beca, thanks for taking care of me."

I felt her pull me closer than she responded, "You're welcome Chloe, and goodnight."

At the very end, it sounded likes he said something else, but I couldn't make it out.

Shortly after that I fell asleep.

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