Chapter 2

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    "Not cool Robin, not fucking cool."

Steve glared at Robin from the counter as she clanged open the door to the movie rental store. When she heard him, she turned a little bit red and gave him an apologetic look.

    "I'm sorry, but Eddie made me promise not to tell anyone else that he was still alive! Only I, Dr. Brenner and his associates, and Eleven knew that his death was faked."

    Steve knew deep down that Eddie had been right to keep him in the dark, but he still gave Robin an unimpressed glance.

    "You still have a lot to explain, especially when you sat by my side for the past couple of weeks and let me sob silly into Eddie's old vest."

    Robin spluttered from the back room where she was grabbing her work uniform.

    "It gave me a twisted pleasure to see you so hysterical over a boy."

    "I thought he was dead!" Steve couldn't believe what Robin had just said.

    "I know, I know, and it was wrong of me." Robin consented. "But seriously dude, there were a couple of times when I actually thought I would burst out laughing." She cackled at the memories. "It took some hardcore focus to give you the support that I did."


    Steve doubted that she had even really tried. He had just been too emotional to see it, and at that time he would have taken anyone's idea of help.

    Robin grinned evilly.

    "Well, Stevie boy. At least now you can finally try out Eddie."

    Steve rolled his eyes in immediate disgust. Of course that's where Robin's mind went first. Not to learning about Eddie's time away or getting to know each other again, but to fucking, and straight away.

    "I hear his trailer is nice this time of year," she cooed in a singsong voice.

    Steve swatted her away.

    "That's totally gross, Rob."

    "No, you wanna know what's actually totally gross? The fact that you've been dreaming about Eddie fucking Munson, the resident weirdo of Hawkins, since the day that you met him, even once you thought he was dead!"

    "Oh, leave it Robin!" Steve felt a smile tugging at his lips.

"You were in love with a freaking ghost, Steve! That's not normal. In fact, you were pining for Eddie, which is even worse!"

"I was not pining!"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure you were. I saw that longing look in your eyes too many times to forget."

"At least Eddie knows my name," Steve shot back pointedly, but he said it with a grin.

"Low blow, Steve!" Robin pretended to look offended. "Vickie totally knows my name. And you pretty much just admitted that your heart's been dying for dear sweet Eddie."

She mimed fainting on the counter.

"I just can't win," Steve grumbled with a good natured smile.


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