Chapter 26

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Eddie struggled to keep a relaxed expression on his face as he responded to Terry.

"Oh really, how do you figure?"

Terry gave a short laugh.

"Well, you see, my only proof is that you haven't ever dated anyone."

Is that all you've got?

Eddie tsked, relief flooding his body.

"Aww, shame."

Sarcasm dripped from his steely voice.

Terry continued to smile like a madman despite this.

"Oh, but it's not going to stay that way."

Oh fuck, of course it isn't.

Eddie waited for the deciding words.

"How about we conduct a little experiment, Munson?" Terry asked innocently.

Eddie squinted at him.

"And how does 'no' sound to you?" he shot back.

"Oh, I think you'll like this one..."

Eddie smiled his prettiest smile.

"I very much doubt that," he said through his teeth.

Terry sniffed and rolled his eyes.

"You're going to kiss a guy and we're going to see how much you enjoy it."

I'm gonna fucking destroy that piece of shit.

But Eddie knew this was not going to end well.

"How about..." Terry pretended to scan the non-existent audience. "Oh, I know: Steve."

His demonic eyes landed somewhere behind Eddie's vision, on who he could only imagine was Harrington.

Well shit.

Definitely not going to end well.

Eddie turned reluctantly to Steve and looked at him apologetically.

"Come on, freak. Hurry up."

Terry spoke impatiently from behind him.

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

Eddie neared Steve and eventually stood in front of him.

He leaned in closer.

I'm so sorry, Stevie.

"Eddie, I'm going to make this the absolute, fucking worst kiss of your entire life," Steve hissed through his teeth.

"You're up against a lot of competition," Eddie joked, his voice barely a mutter.

Just yourself, actually.

He swiftly closed the gap between their mouths and was greeted by the most pinched and rigid lips that he had ever tasted.

"What the fuck, Steve?" he breathed against teeth. "I didn't think you would be this good at kissing bad!"

"Well, now you know," Steve murmured. "Bet I'm turning you on, too."

"Fuck no."

A little bit.

Just because you're Steve.

Terry grumbled behind them.

"Okay, stop it already!" he snapped.

Eddie pulled away from Steve.

"What, wasn't quite the show you were dreaming of, Terry darling?" he asked sweetly. "Next time, you can have a go instead. I'm sure Steve wouldn't mind, would you darling?"

Steve shook his head aggressively, obviously still playing the part of the extremely heterosexual jock.

A little too well.

Eddie snickered at the thought.

If only Terry knew.

Meanwhile, Terry looked like he was about to throw up, but Eddie persisted.

"Are you going to dream about this tonight? Think about me when you're undressing?"

He made a few exaggerated kissing noises.

"Maybe I'll let you see my bedroom sometime, if you're nice to me."

Terry gave him one last disgusted look, and then he was speeding away down the road, his car spluttering obnoxiously.

"Oh my fucking god, that was beautiful Eddie!" Steve practically shouted as he threw his arms around Eddie's neck.

"If what I did was beautiful, then you deserve an academy award for that performance, Stevie!" Eddie responded as his hands found their way easily to Steve's waist. "You kissed me like a fucking grandma!"

Steve gave him a sly glance.

Oh fuck.

"Oooh, you speak from experience, do you Munson?" he sang into Eddie's ear.

"No, of course I don't speak from fucking experience, Steve!"

Eddie lightly shoved Steve's shoulder.

"What do you think I do all day, go around kissing old women in senior homes?"

Steve gave him another questioning look. He had the biggest grin on his face.

"I don't know, man.  Sometimes you're gone for days on end, who knows what you're really doing?"

"Apparently old women."

Steve chuckled into Eddie's neck.

This isn't so bad.

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