Chapter 11

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Steve replayed his kiss with Mary over and over that night, but he was thinking less of Smith and more of Munson each time. Munson, who continued to linger in the back of his mind all day and, seemingly, all night.

His eyes had been so deep when Steve had stared at him and he knew that eventually he had just been imagining that it was Eddie that he had been doing things to, not Mary.

This is why you can never keep a girl, Steve, he thought in frustration.

But it was unavoidable now, his attraction to Eddie.

It wasn't like he could do anything anyways, Eddie didn't like him at all in that way.

Purely platonic as always.

His thoughts were going to the dogs these days.

Eddie just tended to be more on the familiar and intimate side of friendship, the side with more physical touch and visible affection.

It was the side that always confused Steve because he couldn't tell where the boundaries lay.

Maybe we can just talk again?


Steve face planted onto his bed with a groan.

He could hear his parents rumbling around upstairs. They were home for the first time in weeks, but they were leaving again in three days.

So much for family.

He was in the middle of rolling his eyes into his covers when a soft tap came from the window.

"Shut up," he mumbled sleepily.

There was a moment of blissful silence, but then there was another tap. This one was louder and considerably more insistent in its nature.

It was repeated a few more times before Steve finally had enough.

"For God's sake."

He pulled himself off of his bed with a groan and shuffled over to the window.

Eddie Munson's face greeted his tired eyes.

What the fuck, did I just summon him?

Maybe Eleven wasn't the only one with superpowers.


Eddie stared at him and mouthed for him to open the window, impatience written across his face.

Sorry, he mouthed back and quietly pulled it open.

"Finally, Harrington!" Eddie said breathlessly as he stepped inside of Steve's room.

They both stood awkwardly in front of each other for a moment, Steve completely at a loss for what to say, before Eddie spoke up again.

"Don't worry, Stevie, I'm not back for round two," he said slyly, "...yet."

Steve groaned again and turned his eyes dismissively to the ceiling.

"What do you want, Munson?" he asked the plaster.

"I don't think the second level of your house is going to know the answer to that, darling."

Steve felt himself go pink at the last part of Eddie's sentence.

"Ooh, struck a nerve, did I?" Eddie continued with mock surprise.

"Just get it over with."

"Right, well I forgot my handkerchief here a couple of days ago and I was hoping to see it returned to my back pocket," Eddie became more serious.

"What, so you show up at my house in the middle of the night?" Steve couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Aww, is it a little too far past your bedtime, Stevie?" Eddie cooed.

"You know what, forget it. Let's just find your bandana—"


"—I don't actually give a fuck, Eddie!"

He knew he was being cold, but he was too tired for this. Tired, and confused for that matter.

Eddie's gaze softened, just like it had earlier with Dustin, and his face looked so different that Steve had to blink a couple of times to make sure that he wasn't dreaming.

"Sorry, Steve."

"S'okay," Steve mumbled, already regretting his outburst.

He knew that Eddie had a lot of energy and clearly it didn't wear off at night.

"I know my timing isn't great," Eddie continued.

"Yeah, it sure as hell isn't," Steve chuckled lightly, enveloped in the attention of Eddie's warm eyes.

He felt of wave of exhaustion crash over his body and he stumbled backwards a little bit in an attempt to stay upright.

"First you come back from the dead with absolutely no warning, which was pretty shitty of you to be honest. Then you end up in my bed for reasons that are still unclear. After that, you act all normal when I'm completely freaking out inside like, all the time. And now, you arrive at my house in the middle of the night when I'm tired and all I want to do is kiss you."

Eddie blinked.

Shit, shit, shit.

Steve hadn't meant to actually say that last part out loud.

"God, I'm sorry Edd—"

"—So fucking do it."

Eddie was looking at him with the gentlest expression on his face. He was slowly smiling too.

Then he took a step forward.

"C'mon Stevie, just one, I promise."

I don't care if it's a hundred and one.

Steve exhaled.

"Oh, fuck it."

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