Chapter 8

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I'm straight. I'm straight. I'm straight. I'm straight. I'm straight.

I am straight.

I'm straight.

Steve scoffed at himself in the mirror.

I'm like totally, one hundred percent, very much straight.

I. Am. Straight.

He smirked at himself.

"That's better...just think of girls. You love girls."

He winked.

"Still got the charm."

Eddie was probably miles away now and Steve had painstakingly convinced himself that he couldn't care less.

And the best part was, it worked.

He could already hardly remember the feeling of Eddie's arms around him or the slightly unhinged look in his eye from last night.

It would probably be better if neither one of them mentioned what happened to anyone though, even Robin, and Steve silently prayed that Eddie was keeping his mouth firmly shut about everything.

The last thing he needed was Robin getting on his ass about this.

"Fuck, I haven't kissed a girl in a long time, have I?" he asked no one in particular as he exited the bathroom and returned to his room. "Maybe it's time to bring out ladies-man Steve again."

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