Chapter 13

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Steve stood still for a moment as Eddie vanished into the night, and then he shook his head and laughed a little at himself.

You are acting so weird right now.

He felt shivery and happy all at once and anticipation raced through his body.

When will we get to do that again?

He was already dying from withdrawal. The way Eddie had responded to the kiss had been magical and Steve was ready to make his eyes roll back like that a hundred times over already.

Snap out of it, Harrington!

He turned reluctantly to his bedroom door, just in time for his mother to pull it open and glance wildly inside.

"Oh thank god, you're awake!" she cried upon seeing him.

Her eyes were pink and puffy around the edges, which immediately alarmed Steve.

"Mom, are you alri—"

"Why didn't you answer me sooner! I've been calling you for ages!" she interrupted him.

Steve was taken aback by the sudden, angry tone in her voice, but he noticed that she was wavering at the edges.

"Mom, seriously. What's going on?"

"Your father's had a heart attack and I need you to drive us to the hospital right now!"

Tears were springing up in her eyes and her voice was beginning to break.

Holy shit.

"Okay, okay. Um, don't worry mom? I have this completely under control."

Steve tried to sound as confident as possible, but he knew that he was reaching a point of panic.

"Let's just get dad in the car first and figure out the next step after that."

His mom looked relieved that he was taking control of the situation and she breathed out heavily.

"Right, okay Steve. Thank you, darling."

Despite not being super close with his parents, Steve opened his arms and pulled his mom into a brief, but tight hug. He never wanted anything to happen to either of them, even when they left him alone in their big house for weeks every month.

He had a sinking feeling that he wouldn't be seeing Eddie the next day.

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