Chapter 12

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Eddie moved further into Steve's space, but he didn't initiate anything else.

I'm going to wait for Steve.

He knew he was being stubborn, but the last time that he tried something with Harrington, it hadn't ended well.

Well, Steve did end up pining away about me for five days, so that's gotta be a bonus.

Eddie couldn't help the smile that began to grow on his face.

"What are you grinning about?" Steve asked quietly.

He looked like he was either about to fall asleep or throw up on Eddie.

"Nothing," Eddie said coyly.

Clearly he was making Steve nervous, which sent a thrill down his spine.

Stay calm, Eddie.

Steve still hadn't kissed him, so this could still be a complete ruse.

But the way Steve's eyes were watching him.

God, I could fucking die right now and I wouldn't even care that much.

Steve's focus drifted down to Eddie's lips, then shot back up to his eyes.

"You're killing me here, Harrington," Eddie whispered apprehensively.

His voice was hoarse, which he hated.

Way to sound incredibly pinned up on Steve.

Then he felt a hand slide gently around his waist while he was pulled infinitely closer to Steve in one smooth motion.

"I've never done this with a guy," Steve whispered, his mouth now inches from Eddie's own.

"You seem pretty natural," Eddie smiled.

"Maybe wait until after to make a decision."

Then Steve leaned closer to Eddie, much closer than he thought was physically possible, and their mouths connected.

At first Steve's kiss was shy, almost explorative in it's nature, but soon Eddie's back was against Steve's dresser and his hands were in Steve's hair.

Meanwhile, Steve's hands were everywhere; smoothing across Eddie's shoulders, pulling at his hair, sliding down to his hips.

He even began to let his fingers move underneath Eddie's shirt and Eddie thought he was going to die right there.


He felt a gentle touch on his abdomen at the same time that Steve's kisses began to trail insistently towards his neck.


He buried his face in Steve's hair as Steve reached his collarbone, methodically moving along with just the right amount of attention to each expanse of skin.

Eddie curled his left leg around Steve's right and tugged him even closer.

"You're gorgeous," Steve breathed against his shoulder. "I can't bel—"

A loud crash interrupted him.

"Steve!" A woman's voice called from above them.

"Your mum?" Eddie asked, silently furious that they had been stopped unknowingly by Steve's parents.

Steve nodded, confusion spilling across his face.

"Steve, wake up!" The voice was much closer than before, only a couple of feet away from Steve's door.

"Shit!" Steve cursed under his breath.

Eddie looked at him with wide eyes.

"Much as I love you, Stevie, I am not ready for your mother to find us like this!"

"Shit. I know, I know," Steve ran his fingers through his hair. "Just—just go out through the window again. I'll find you tomorrow, and we should probably talk about this."

He gestured to the two of them.

At least he isn't going to ignore "this", Eddie thought.

"Yeah, okay," he responded out loud, hoping that Steve could hear the understanding in his voice.

He made his way over to the window and opened it once more, looking back at Steve again.

"Have fun with mummy," he teased before slipping out into the night.

He could still feel Steve's eyes on him, even long after he had stumbled onto the main road.

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