Chapter 24

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Steve pushed purposefully through the looming crowd of people, using his elbow across his nose to block out the stench of drunken, sweaty teenagers.

He only stopped once when he saw Robin in the corner of the trailer, pressing Vickie up against the wall in a very intimate kiss.

Get it, I guess?

He quickly turned away and travelled the last few metres of the hallway that opened into Eddie's bedroom.

He didn't even bother knocking, just swung the door open and came face to face with a rather forlorn version of Eddie slumped on the bed.

"Hey," he said, finding the sudden change of atmosphere to be quite strange.

The noises from the party faded into the background as he shut the door softly behind him, still not making a move to get any closer to the bed.

Eddie stared at him.

"Um, lovely party...out there."

Man, you've got a way with words, don't you idiot?

Eddie raised an eyebrow.

Just say something, Steve silently pleaded.

"Why didn't you pick up?"

Here we go.

"My dad was in the hospital and we were up all night waiting to see if he was alright and I really wanted to call you, but they didn't have a phone and my dad had a heart attack and I hate my mom and they're leaving for Hawaii in less than two day, maybe sooner and I'm really sorry and I missed you and I hate hospitals and Dr. Garrett is the absolute, fucking worst."

He breathed out slowly and looked up at Eddie.

He seemed to be contemplating something.

"I've been holding a grudge against you all day," he finally spoke after a moment of silence. "I thought we were done before we even got a chance to start. Now I'm realizing that I totally over reacted."

He stood up and walked over to Steve.

They each pulled each other into a hug at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Eddie," Steve said, just as Eddie said, "Are you okay?"

They laughed softly against each other.

"Oh," Steve pulled away, "another thing. Terry's wants a word. He's waiting outside."

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