Chapter 22

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"We're having a party!" Eddie shouted out the window of his van as he and Robin tumbled down the main street of Hawkins.

"Yeah!" Robin echoed enthusiastically. "Bring your angsty asses out to the Munson trailer just as fast as you can!"

They smiled at each other and then Eddie brought his gaze back to the road.

This was so much better than moping around by himself all evening.

"Hey Robin, do you think we have enough beer?" he asked, taking a quick peek into the back seat where four shopping bags were loaded with cheap brews.

"Oh yeah, totally! And if we run out, I'm sure other people will bring more."

"Yeah, true."

He could feel Robin looking curiously at him.

He sighed.

Here come the questions.

"What is it?"

Robin smirked.

"Oh nothing...I'm just wondering why you chose today of all days to throw a party?"

"What, are you saying I don't seem like the type to throw incredibly spontaneous week-day ragers?"

He pretended to reel back.

"I'm hurt, Robin, I truly am."

They laughed for a moment before Robin resumed her line of questions.

"But seriously Eddie, why today?"

Eddie paused, thinking of what he could say that wouldn't give him or Steve away.

"I don't know," he said honestly. "I just have something that I need to get over."

"Right, something you have to get over..."

Robin winked at him, which was mildly unsettling.

"What?" he demanded, a soft twinkle in his eye.

"Well, all I'm saying is, don't you mean someone you have to get over?"

Eddie shoved her playfully.

So she knows somethings up, but not who it involves.

He felt a little better, but he still feigned abhorrence to Robin's words.

"Never!" he exclaimed, clutching a hand to his chest. "I will remain single until the day I die!"

"Clearly," Robin shot back shamelessly. "Also, lofty claims Munson. Lofty claims."

Fuck, she's going to figure this out sooner than I thought.

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