Chapter 3

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Steve lay on his bed, dollar store headphones plugged into his Walkman, eyes on the ceiling. Unsurprisingly, his parents were away again and he was alone amongst the empty rooms. I need to get a dog or something.

Ordinarily he would go out and meet up with Robin or babysit Dustin and his loser friends, but no one was home today.

Robin had a date with Vickie, the third one in a week and a half, and Dustin and his group of pubescent monsters were off camping in the forest. They were probably running wild.

The only other person around who was remotely interesting was Eddie, but Steve couldn't face him again after what happened yesterday night.

After Vecna was destroyed and Eddie supposedly died, Steve had been hysterical. The stress had finally gotten to him, along with the full magnitude of what he had experienced.

It hadn't helped that the only thing left of Eddie was his denim vest, which felt like a relic of what they'd all been through.

Steve didn't even want to think about how many nights he'd lain in bed in the exact same way, clutching Eddie's vest like the world was ending. It was embarrassing, but fortunately only Robin had begun to figure out his darkest secret.

Steve shuddered to think of what would happen if his parents found out about his little crush.

Only just last week, they had been listening to the radio in the den and the reporters mentioned conversion therapy. When he looked over at his parents, they were nodding along and agreeing with every homophobic statement that flowed out of the little box in front of them.

Steve had wanted to chuck the radio out of the window when he noticed, but he managed to stay calm and excuse himself from the room before he did anything that his parents could read too much into.

That was the last time that Steve spent a Saturday evening with his parents in the den.

Ugh. This is fucking boring. Maybe he should call Eddie up, invite him to dinner or something.

As friends.

Robin invited Steve over all the time and the two of them were very obviously the most platonic of friends.

There was absolutely nothing romantic about inviting Eddie over.

But God, I wish there was.

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