Yet Another Update

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These are becoming a regular thing, I guess.

And while I know that I just started writing Around The Moon [Steve x Eddie], I'm sort of already sick of it.

I don't know, it's just missing a certain amount of tension.

Still great for a fluffy read though, if you don't mind Eddie getting high every so often.

But I regret to inform you that I have, in fact, begun yet another fic about our favourite ship.

It's called Darling [Steve x Eddie].

It is... a slow burn.

It is... enemies to lovers.

It is... hold for applause... friends with benefits.


I know, what am I getting myself into?

But hopefully it's something that y'all can find interesting because I've already posted some chapters.

Oh yeah, and here's a sneak peak, as always.

Eddie skipped a little as he got to the door and he slipped the key eagerly into the door knob, sighing as the lock clicked open. He opened the door, already moving in the direction of his second true love, when he looked up properly and gave a shriek.

"Oh shit!"

He sprung back against a tall drum set and one of the high tops clattered to the ground with a crash. He winced, but it didn't matter.

Right before him, in the far corner of the locker, Steve Harrington was pressed up against Tracy Nelson and kissing her pretty face off. They both looked over at him in the commotion, but their mouths stayed tight against each other.

I'm aiming for around seven hundred words per chapter, but be warned. I use 'aiming' very lightly and in all honesty, I think I'll be back to one minute reads by the fifth chapter.

Here's to that, I guess.

At the very least, I'm staggeringly consistent.

But do check it out, I insist.

See you all and I'm sure you'll hear from me all too soon, my loves,

- J

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