Chapter 17

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The doctor pushed open the 'Patients Only' door and strode calmly over to Steve and his mother.

Steve nudged his sleeping mom, who was leaning on his shoulder from the seat beside him.

"Mom, the doctor's here, wake up," he said quietly.

In seconds his mom went from tired-eyed to wide awake.

The doctor reached them.

"Hi, Dr. Garrett," he introduced himself.

"Mrs. Harrington," Steve's mother responded with a thin smile.

"You're the wife of..." Dr. Garrett glanced down briefly at the clipboard in his hand, "Mr. Harrington, yes?"

"That would be me."

Dr. Garrett cleared his throat.

"Well, your husband seems to be perfectly fine."

Steve let out his breath sharply, relief flooding his body. His mom tipped her head back and chuckled at the ceiling.

"Thank god."

"Yes, although he does seem to have had a heart attack," Dr. Garrett continued.

Steve's mom looked back at him again.

"So what does that mean, exactly?"

The doctor pressed his lips together and shrugged.

"Well, there isn't a whole ton that you can do at this point. We can prescribe some medication, offer select supports, but mostly your husband just needs to be monitored. Give him lots of time to relax, take a vacation or something."

Steve thought of his parents upcoming trip to Hawaii.

Just great.

Now that they have an excuse, they'll never come back home.

His mom clapped her hands and began to explain to Dr. Garrett what a glorious coincidence it was that they had a trip planned already.

Steve stood up to leave the waiting room in search of a bathroom, suddenly too tired to care about anything. The last thing that he heard his mother say before she disappeared down the opposite corridor with the doctor was "oh, we'll have to extend the trip for a couple of weeks at least, don't you think? Get his heart back to normal..."

I need a drink.

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