Chapter 9

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Steve met up with Robin and the rest of the gang five days later. Eddie was there too, and everyone was in a good mood about his unexpected return from the dead.

"Man, you absolutely have me stumped!" Argyle swayed on his feet. "That shit's magical!"

Eddie laughed and turned to Steve with the widest grin ever.

"Well, none of your reactions top Steve's, my friends. He almost killed me, he was so surprised to see my face again."

"I bet," Robin snickered.

Steve shot a heavy glare her way.

"As if you didn't stick around to watch the entire thing."

Eddie chuckled.

"I gotta say, it's good to be back."

"We sure as hell missed you," Dustin spoke up, the excitement in his voice barely contained. "You should have seen the D&D night that we tried to pull together while you were gone! It felt so wrong that you weren't there and we couldn't get anything done."

"I'm sure you would have been fine after a couple of tries," Eddie said kindly.

"I guess so...but I'm glad that we never have to find out!"

Eddie's expression softened even more and he held open his arms.

"Get over here, Henderson."

Dustin obliged and Eddie pulled him easily into a hug.

Steve could swear that he heard some of Dustin's ribs crunch under the pressure.

"Well, while you two are bonding, do the rest of you wanna catch a movie or something?" he turned his attention back to the rest of the group, hoping to get his mind off Eddie again.

But apparently he had no luck ever.

Eddie immediately released Dustin and stepped into Steve's space with an anticipatory expression on his face.

"Oh, Stevie darling! I thought you'd never ask."

While the rest of the group laughed it off, Steve had to hide the blush that was creeping across his face.

Everyone else was distracted, so when he had recovered, he shot Eddie a look.

"Maybe I'll bring along Mary as well," he said pointedly.

The joyful expression on Eddie's face screeched to a stand-still and somewhere in his eyes, Steve could see a flicker of pain.

Why am I doing this?

But without a word, Steve turned around and stalked off to his car, the others in tow, and Eddie was left to stare dumbly at nothing in the middle of the road.

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