Chapter 10

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Eddie watched from the back row of the movie theatre as Steve cozied up to Mary Smith in the third row from the front.

That smooth asshole.

He almost puked into his popcorn bucket.

Steve had forced him to walk all the way from the trailer park to downtown Hawkins and when he got there, Steve was buying tickets for Mary with the rest of the group crowded behind him. Then, when they were all waiting outside of the theatre door, he looked directly at Eddie and kissed Mary, maintaining eye contact the entire time.

It had been the most embarrassing and awkward five minutes of Eddie's entire life. He had also, much to his own dismay, been majorly turned on by the whole thing.

He tried to convince himself that it was just because of Mary.

Fuck him, he kept thinking, but then he would look over at Steve and Mary's converging silhouettes again.

The two of them were kissing like the end off the world was near and Eddie watched, completely hypnotized, as Steve ran his hands through Mary's hair.

Before he could stop himself, Eddie thought:

Oh god, I wish that self-centred asshole would do that to me.

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