Chapter 25

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Terry was waiting outside of Eddie's trailer, leaned back against a sleek, blue car.

He had a stupid, evil grin on his face and Eddie felt his stomach drop to his toes.

Steve stepped outside of the trailer behind him and gave his back a soft tap of reassurance before waiting a foot away from him on the top step.

Eddie took a deep breath and walked down the stairs towards Terry. The sounds of the party inside his home grew fainter as the door finally closed shut.

"Hey...Terry," he said, unsure of what the kid's intentions were.

"Hi freak," was Terry's simple response.

His voice was cold and there was a heavily note of malice hidden inside it.

"What can I do for you?" Eddie tried his best to sound breezy and carefree, but he could feel tension growing in his throat.

It was comforting to know that Steve was with him, who had just moved a little bit closer.

Terry advanced a step as well.

"I finally figured out your secret, Munson," he chuckled, but not in a nice way.

Eddie felt a cold shiver run down his spine, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

"Do tell," he prompted with a shaky smile.

What does he know?

There were a thousand things that Terry could be referring to.

Steve was a breath away now.

"Underneath all of your freakish behaviour, there's something hidden that makes you disgusting to everyone, and you know it. That's why it's gone undetectable for so long," Terry hissed.

He was clearly enjoying stretching out the moment.

"You're gay."

The words slipped easily out of Terry's mouth and he grinned cruelly as Eddie froze completely.


He heard a sharp intake of breath from behind him.

Right, Steve's here.

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