Chapter 5

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"Not a word, Munson!"

Steve was in a panic. A fucking endless one.

When he woke up in the morning, Eddie Munson's arms had been wrapped around his torso, in bed with him. At first Steve was calm about it, but then everything became too fucking scary for his body to handle.

Eddie was trying to relax him, but Steve was past rational thought.

"You speak of this to one person, even briefly, and I will personally ensure that Hawkins Police finds your stash of drugs within the hour!"

He couldn't breathe.

"And another thing, I like girls! I like them so much!"

"I know, Steve," Eddie spoke softly.

He was working to keep the impatience away from his tongue. It was the seventh time that Steve had told him that in the last half hour.

"You don't need to prove to me that you're straight."

"I know damn well that I don't, but we just slept in the same bed for fucks sake!"

"And we did absolutely nothing, Steve!"

"I know, Eddie! I just want to make it unquestionably clear that I do not like boys like that!"

"And I would say the same."

Steve did a double take. It was unexpected, but maybe Eddie just showed affection differently. Although, from what he could remember, Eddie hadn't been cuddling him in a particularly chummy way that morning.


"What are you saying 'oh' for?"

Eddie didn't miss the heavy note of confusion and sadness in Steve's voice.

"Nothing, man. I'm just a little bit out of sorts right now."


Steve walked over to his dresser and pulled out some fresh clothing at random.

"Um, do you mind if I take a quick shower?"

"Yeah no, go ahead."

Eddie stood watching as Steve hurried to the ensuite door and locked himself into the washroom.

"I think I'm gonna go!" he called after him.

Things were just way too awkward.

First, Steve acted like he wanted Eddie to flirt with him, and now Eddie's sexuality was possibly in danger off being told to everyone because Steve was having a crisis.

"Alright, I'll see you at school!" Steve answered.

Fuck straight boys.

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