Chapter 14

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Eddie wandered down Steve's street in the direction of the trailer park, a dreamy expression on his face.

I just kissed fucking Steve Harrington.

He felt the colour on his cheeks deepen at the thought.

And he's been fucking dreaming about me!

"Yes!" he shouted excitedly into the tree tops.

The high that he was getting from this was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

And trust me, I've experienced so, so much.

"Steve Harrington kissed Eddie 'the freak' Munson!" he crowed, practically howling his happiness.

He stumbled to the side of the road as a car ploughed by, it's driver shouting indistinctly at him.

"Fuck you," Eddie said sweetly as he gave the car's license plate the bird.

Nothing was going to ruin his mood, not even if his uncle freaked out when he came home.

I can't wait to get Stevie alone again.

He blew a kiss to the forest.

Till tomorrow.

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