Chapter 23

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Steve showed up at Eddie's trailer to find a bustling party running wild across the grounds.

What the fuck has he been up to?

He prayed that Robin was there.

Outside of the trailer, parked near the steps, was Terry Delta, school jock and first class asshole.

Why the fuck is he here?

Steve groaned as he made his way closer.

This could not mean anything good.

"Hey Steve," Terry spotted him and jerked his chin up in acknowledgement. "Let the freak know I'm here, would'ya?"

Steve shivered at his emotionless tone, but played along anyways.

"Yeah...sure thing."

"Appreciate it."

Steve bounded up the steps, two at a time, and opened the trailer door.

A loud burst of overwhelming noise and lights and people sprang out at him.

Jesus christ, Eddie.

He could distinctly hear Metallica roaring beneath the crowd of partiers.

A group of familiar-looking teenagers stumbled out of the door and pushed past Steve as they ran to throw up on the lawn outside.

Must be from the Hellfire Club.

"Hey punks!" he called after them, "has one of you little shitheads seen Eddie?"

The smallest one glanced back at him from where he was crouched on the ground.

"Yeah, he's in his bedroom showing Duff Murphy how to shred the guitar."

The kid imitated clawing chords out of the instrument in a very Eddie-esqe way.

"Yeah, yeah I get it," Steve muttered before stepping into the heart of the party.

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