Chapter 7

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Eddie stepped out of Steve's house and lightly closed the door behind him.

It was still early in the morning and even though it was mid May, he could still see his breath enter into the air.

God damn it, Eddie.

It was too much to even think about what had just happened.

He started walking aimlessly down Steve's drive, kicking up gravel with each step.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Steve was probably freaking out about this. He could be having a panic attack at that very moment.

And I'm just walking away.

"Coward!" Eddie hissed into the morning.

He thought of the panicked look that had washed over Steve's face when he realized that Eddie was lying in bed with him. It had been a mixture of shock, terror, and barely concealed disgust, which Eddie shivered to remember.

He was used to being repulsed by random strangers because of his habits, but this was different. This was Steve he was talking about, Steve "pretty boy" Harrington who defeated Vecna with Eddie and kept Eddie's favourite denim vest.

Fuck. I'm not even gay.

Eddie couldn't even begin to understand what had possessed him to act how he did the night before. He had flirted with Steve, and rather shamelessly too.

Must have had too much wine.

He wasn't used to being the recipient of dinner party invitations and clearly that had messed with his mind.

I'm all good, just had to get it out of my system.

He took a deep breath and looked briefly up at the sky, which was getting brighter by the minute.

It was never too early for a cigarette.

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