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“bye bye Jaehyuk hyung,Asahi

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“bye bye Jaehyuk hyung,Asahi...see you next time”

Yedam waved at the two are standing in front of the door. Asahi waved bye to Yedam and walked towards the car. Yedam did the same. He left to his and Haruto bedroom. Jaehyuk turn to Haruto as the others two left.

“tell me if that number sending you something weird again”

Haruto nodded his head and Jaehyuk left because he doesn't want Asahi to waits for long. Haruto opened the bedroom door silently and he saw Yedam is already sleeping. He walked towards their bed.

“you think you can play along?”

Haruto delete the message because he doesn't want Yedam to see it. It might make Yedam get scare again if he knows this. He wants his Damie to enjoying the life he has right now. He wants to protect his Damie.

“as long as i'm here,no one can hurt you”

Haruto kissed Yedam's forehead and lays down next to him before got into dream land.

It's just a blink of eyes and now,Yedam already pregnant for 9months now. It means that he has only 10days more and their baby will be on earth. Yedam is so excited. Haruto is begin more careful in everything that connect to Yedam. He even went to shopping for his son by himself. He didn't let Yedam walk. Everytime Yedam wants to go somewhere,Haruto will always carry him.

“Ruto....are you finish?”

Yedam who is sitting on the bed, watching his husband prepared the luggage because Yedam needs to stay at hospital until he give birth. Haruto turn to Yedam and smiled.

“i'm done now baby”

Then Jihoon came into their room to help them pick their things. Haruto carry Yedam downstairs and saw Jaehyuk with Asahi who are sitting on the sofa.

“let's go”

“so, Haruto...you book the whole hospital?”

Jaehyuk asked after Haruto put Yedam in the car. He then nodded his head at Jaehyuk question.


“anything for my baby”

Haruto carry Yedam to a VIP room. Jihoon put the things on the table and sit next to the bed that Yedam is sitting now.

“you are nervous, aren't you?”

Yedam then nodded his head. Jihoon then hold Yedam's hand to calm him down as he smiled.

“don't be Yedam,your son will come to this earth soon! I will tell Sukkie to stay with you"

After Jihoon finished,Haruto walked in and hand Yedam the food but then he take it back when Yedam was about to take it.


“i forget that i will be the one who feed you”

Haruto start to feed Yedam because he hasn't eat anything since they were so busy.

                10DAYS LATER


Junkyu yelled at Haruto who is been walking around since Yedam got into labor. Haruto stopped at Junkyu's destination.

“No!I'm worrying about my both baby!”

Then he continues it again. Junkyu can't keep it anymore. He ran to the bathroom and puke like he said. Jaehyuk and Asahi are running towards Haruto.

“how is he?”

Asahi asked.

“He is been there for 4 hours now”

Haruto said in worry tone. Then Mashiho, Hyunsuk,Jihoon,Yoshi, Jungwhan, Jeongwoo and Doyoung come one by one.

“who is the husband?”


They nurse peek from the door and ask. Haruto quickly answer.

“please come inside!MaMa really needs daddy”

Haruto nodded his head. He wore the plastic cloth that the nurse gave him and follows the nurse. His heart broke as he wants to cry. His baby really trying his best.
Haruto slowly pats Yedam's forehead that full of sweat.

“baby!!!just try a little bit more and it will be done"

Haruto hold Yedam's hand. Yedam didn't reply but instead he nodded his head.

“Try again when i count to 3...1...2...3”


then the sound of baby crying is begin to heard. Haruto heart is beating so fast. The son of WATANABE is now born onto this earth. The nurse hands Haruto his son. Haruto looks at his newborn son with smiled while his tears dropping too. He feels so much joy as he looks at his son.

“finally!daddy was waiting you so long baby!daddy promise that daddy will take care of you and MaMa”

Yedam show his weak smiled to Haruto and his son because he was trying so hard. Haruto put his son on Yedam's chest. Yedam pats his son head tightly.

“We will name him WATANABE NARUTO”(don't mind me,i just don't know how to name the kid so, let's be with NARUTO✨)

Yedam smiled again after Haruto name his son. Haruto kissed Yedam's forehead.

“thank you for everything baby,thank you for giving me such a precious gift!i love you so much”

“it all thanks to you too,Ruto and i love you too”


Sorry if i made any mistake<3

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