The Gala

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Chantel invited Peter over for coffee and cupcakes because she'd baked over two dozens blueberry cupcakes. She was giving a dozen to Gia and the other half was for her mom and her colleagues but Chantel decided last minute, to take out four cupcakes from her mother's batch of cupcakes and invite Peter over instead. It had been long since they'd not spend alone time together.

The two teenagers sat on the furry white carpet of Chantel's pink and white bedroom sipping coffee and munching on the blueberry cupcakes. When Chantel had first invited Peter over, he was very impressed by the interiors of the house little did he know back then—Susan was an interior decorator. He really admires the neon sign on top of her bedrest that read 'selenophile' it translates to a person who loves the moon.

Chantel had explained the meaning behind her love for the moon, it holds a special place in her heart because many important events took place in her life during a full moon. From her birth, her first step etc to even meeting Roman and Shelley Godfrey. Peter had something else to say about the moon as during a full moon he turns into a werewolf, which isn't a pleasant experience but with time he'd learned—the freedom, the power, the high he feels while being a wolf cannot be compared to anything else.

"Not even an orgasm?" Chantel asked taking a bite of the cupcake.

Peter looked at her questionably, "who's asking?"

"I am," she chuckled softly.

"Between us," he took a sip of the coffee. "Yes."

"Shee-it," she mumbled.

"Shee-it," he repeated. "You're not going to tell Letha are you?" He knitted his brows.

"My lips are sealed," she did a little gesture of zipping her lips.

He put his cup down, "how far along is she?"

"Between 5-6 months I suppose." Chantel wiped her mouth with a tissue.

"Is she planning to raise the child with her ex?" He asked curiously.

"I don't know," Chantel admitted, "we haven't really talked about it."

You're the father of the child. If only Chantel could say it out loud. Why was Letha taking the time of her life to say it to Peter?

"I've never seen her happier," he said slowly.

"Me neither," she agreed.

"Are you having that?" He asked pointing at her half eaten cupcake.

"Help yourself," she told him as he smiled and picked it up, "yum!"

"Pete," she looked at him. "What if you had to become a dad at this age?"

He chewed the cupcake, "it won't be easy; I'm seventeen, jobless, I live in a fucking trailer with my mom but...I think it'll be worth it, what do you think?"

She nodded in agreement, "absolutely! Babies are amazing, I love babies."

"Can I say something to you?" He gazed at her, "if it's not weird."

"I'm all ears Pete," she crossed her arms.

"Letha was my first, you know..." he admitted.

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