Be careful what you wish for

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"I wish you disappear from my life." That's the last thing she'd said to Roman Godfrey. That's the last thing he'd heard from her and maybe, that's the last time they'd ever see each other again.

She broke Roman's heart, so he went on a mad-dog drive and mixed alcohol with narcotics. Hit his car on a fallen tree trunk and vandalised the White Tower until, he passed out and went into a coma.

But before he did any of that, he'd send her a voice note. He was weeping when he told her:
I'm sorry Chantel but I'm ugly. I'm an ugly person.
I've an ugliness that's impossible to love.

No! She refused to belief it. Roman Godfrey can't leave her like that, a part of her always knew he'd come back, fight for her. She hated the prideful side of him, that always wanted to control people and do whatever he liked. The side of him that just toyed around with feelings. The cold heartless side of him that had no remorse.

But now, she missed every part of him, even the darkness in him. Every little crack made him who he was. Will she ever see him again? She has to. Roman can't leave her like that, he'd promised he'd be there for her forever.

"We're in this together."

"It'll always be you and me, Chantel, always."

"No one will ever come in between us."

"You'll never have to chase home."

Everything went dark for Chantel Channing.

Chantel knew she'd be with Roman for better or for worse. It'll be probably be worse. She knew that, the day she met him.

She was at Pennsylmania with Zach, riding the carousel. 'Until I found her' by Stephan Sanchez was playing in the background. When she caught the sharp gaze of an extremely breathtaking, tall boy, holding a cone of ice-cream that was miserably melting away. A tall mysterious figure appeared next to him holding a red ballon, back then she didn't know it was Shelley but Roman had whispered something to his sister and she'd gazed at Chantel as well. Do I know them? Zach excused himself to make a call as they got down from the carousel.

The gorgeous young man walked upto her, like he owned the goddamn place. "You look lonely sweetheart," his voice as smooth as silk. The first thing that captivated her was his distinctive scent of spicy and woody oud wood. She wanted to inhale him as a whole.

Chantel was taken a back by his boldness

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Chantel was taken a back by his boldness. "I've a date," she responded.

"You can have a date and still be lonely," he smirked flirtatiously. Is he for real, Chantel couldn't believe what she was hearing. She tried to walk away but he stepped on her way. "Come on," he offered his hand.

"Excuse me?" She looked up at him in utter disbelief.

Zach appeared, "hey Roman."

"Do you know this guy?" Chantel asked her boyfriend in surprise.

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