The not so secret lunch

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What happened between Peter Rumancek and Letha Godfrey the night at the bonfire only Chantel Channing knew apart from them. And ever since Peter and Letha had developed an unlikely friendship. For some reasons unknown, Peter was digging into Olivia Godfrey past life through Letha—that Roman had no knowledge about.

Chantel picked Peter up from her Volvo XC40. "Isn't this ride a little too big for you?" Peter asked as he put the seatbelt on.

"It used to be my mom's," she mentioned as she started the suv.

They listened to 'creep' by Radiohead, on their way to town. Peter was a big fan of the band, he snapped his fingers and grooved to the music.

"Did you use those moves to hit on Letha?" Chantel chuckled as she saw the boy grooving away.

"I showed her my middle and my index finger," he jokingly displayed his fingers. "Werewolf you see."

"Yeah," she laughed. "Girls noticed that, index and middle."

She parked the car at the parking lot, and they walked towards Yummy Berry. The best yoghurt place in town.

"Roman would kill me, if he sees us together." Peter said as his eyes searched the surroundings.

"And I thought you were a werewolf," she teased adjusting the scarf around her neck.

"You're not getting my point." Peter huffed.

"If Roman Godfrey wanted you dead, you'd be dead." She stated the obvious.

"Very comforting," he squinted.

"May I ask when did you even start digging about Olivia?" She asked curiously.

"A week ago," he noted.

"Do you like her or something? I mean she's hot, I won't blame you." Chantel stopped on her tracks and examined the boy.

"No," he responded.

"Hmm," she mumbled.

"Do you think Letha called us over for information on Olivia you think there's something else?" He scratched his head.

"Let's find out," Chantel pushed the door, the bell made a little jingle as they walked inside.

Yummy Berry was jammed with people, it sits about twenty people at a max. So most of them were standing in line for takeaways. Their strawberry, blueberry and vanilla yogurt were a crowd pleaser. Letha Godfrey was already seated at the corner table keeping two seats reserved for them as she scooped her yoghurt.

"Hi beautiful." Chantel pulled a chair and sat down.

"Hey guys." Letha beamed at them.

"Uh what's that?" Peter asked surprised by what Letha was having. It looked less like a yogurt and more like something a four year old would mix to create his or her own delicacy.

"Peanut butter and lime yoghurt mixed together with gummy bears and extra M&Ms. Bite?" She offered.

Chantel and Peter shook their heads as a no.

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