Chapter 10

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I gasped for air sitting up quickly looking around, to see that I had ended up in the library. Did I just seriously die to blood loss again?!

"Crap, where am I?"

"NIKKI!" A familiar voice called out to me, "You're safe!"

That voice, I quickly looked under the table to see Pibby a small smile sat on my lips before slumping onto the floor.

"I'm glad to be back, though I only have 7 lives left before my reset." I sighed softly, "Maybe I was being to reckless and selfish."

Pibby frowned moving closer to me before relaxing her head on my stomach, the air around us became less stiff and tense letting me close my eyes for a bit.

"I need to stop doing this to myself, I forgotten that cats and dogs don't mix half the time. Jake really did a number on me." I opened my eyes wincing suddenly.

"Nikki I never told you this but you're like a big sister to me, someone I never had before and to feel safe during all of this chaos is nice."

"We'll I'm glad you think of me that way Pibby, you kinda remind me of my little sister before she died. . . I didn't keep my promise, she was ripped out my hands by her bullies."

"Wait, they killed her? But why?"

"They wanted to teach me a lesson, 'Not all older siblings are heroes' they whispered in my ear holding my sister at knife point. . . I can still her screams."


"I tried to save her but they kept hitting my with their spiked bat until I was left unconscious killing my sister in front of me." I was in tears gripping my hair letting them fall onto my cheek, "I will never get her back. . . That's why I'm protecting you Pibby, you have so much of my sister in you it's funny."

"Nikki. . ." She said softly, "I. . ."

"I'll be fine, it's hard to forget something like that. I can only blame myself for her and our parents death. . . They told me I was such a great kid and yet I feel like I've failed them. . . I failed Finn, I failed all of my friends."

"That's not true!" Pibby stood up defensively looking at me, "If they could see you now they would still see that greatness in you! I know I do."

I blushed letting myself cry the tears were as genuine as they come, tears of pure reassurance. . . Something I never gave myself when I grew up, something I missed the most.

"Thank you Pibby, that means so much to me."

"Of course Nikki, you deserve it all."

𝑇𝐸𝑅𝑀𝐼𝑁𝐴𝑇𝐸𝐷 ; finn x oc ( hiatus )Where stories live. Discover now