Chapter 28

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I sighed softly as I looked around, my body was weak after leaving the void thinking about if Pibby was safe. . . If Maddy was hurt or anything.

I need to find them and fast, I need to know if they needed anything but I realized that I couldn't move too well.

But my powers were going haywire and I couldn't get them under control, and that's what hurts. . . If I can't open portals then I couldn't find them.

"Hey stranger, is everything alright. . .?"

"Kinda, my powers are going crazy. . . I really can't open up the portals to find my friends, I just don't know what to do anymore."

"What are you exactly?"

"I'm a dimension hopping cat person, why is that a bad thing?"

"No, this is the first time I've ever seen someone like you before. I do hope the travel was safe for you if not then you should relax."

"I wish I could, but I have to find them and I would rather die then leave them alone."

"I suppose that's fair, but I want you to take this if your powers so choose to not work and you need a quick recharge."

"What is it?" I asked looking over at her, "Is it something that could hurt me?"

"Not hurt you, but it can help you with portals and such. Think of it as a gift for you being here with me during these trying times."

I blinked slightly taking whatever it was into my hands and smiled slipping it onto my ring finger in order to not lose it.

"Warp ring?"

"Warp ring."

"I should get going, and thank you. . . I hope we can meet up again."

"I hope so too, and have a safe travels."

𝑇𝐸𝑅𝑀𝐼𝑁𝐴𝑇𝐸𝐷 ; finn x oc ( hiatus )Where stories live. Discover now