Chapter 1

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Senior Year: Graduation

Senior Year: Graduation

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Charlee's POV

"Please do not tell me you're wearing that to the party?" my best friend and fellow weapons enthusiast Blaire asked pointing to my outfit.

"What? I just stood out there in the sun for three hours for a diploma in an uncomfortable dress and heels. If I want to wear jeans and a crop top to a stupid party I will," I told her crossing my arms.

"But its the last party of the school year and you'll never see these people again," she pleaded.

"You say that like its a bad thing," I rolled my eyes and she glared at me. Unlike Blaire who has no problem being a social butterfly, I hate going to these parties and acting like I have fun. Its part of the reason why I hated posing as a cheerleader for the past few years at this school. It gets quite tedious to act happy and to care about the latest school gossip. At least after tonight it will be over.

When I first got here my sophomore year, I was excited with the opportunity to prove that I could be a good agent like my parents and my brother. I had no idea that along the way I'd make friends that I would never forget. However we're finally graduating and that means we no longer have to pose as cheer leaders in high school anymore and I'm scared of what that means for us all. Is it finally time to go our separate ways?

"Just put on a nice dress and cute shoes at least," Blaire tried. We were currently in my room waiting for the other girls to show up. Eric was going to meet us at the party and I'm hoping I can convince him to take us home early so we can just order a pizza and watch Netflix. Now thats my definition of a graduation night.

"Fine but I'm not wearing heels," I told her and she rolled her eyes. Half an hour later I was wearing a simple mint dress and black flats. I let my hair down in waves and applied a small amount of makeup. Blaire was the total opposite with her little black dress and torture device looking heels. Her hair was curled and her make up was done to perfection.

"Honestly why do I even bother when you look 20 times better than all of us combined?" I ask and Lavender nodded her head. Her and Palma had arrived a while ago too and they all looked amazing.

"Because it doesn't really matter how you look. You have a boyfriend who's seen you all bloodied up for crying out loud. You can show up in pajamas and he'd still sweep you off your feet and you'd both go running off into the sunset to live cheesy ever after," she smiled talking about Eric.

"So what you're saying is I can go in my pajamas?" I asked her smiling.

"No, go warm up the car," Blaire instructed. I mock saluted her and ran off to warm up my car. A few minutes later Tiffany finally showed up and we all headed to the party.

"Hey Charlee can I borrow some lipstick? I forgot to put some on before leaving," Tiffany asked as I was driving.

"Yeah sure, I think my makeup bag is somewhere down there," I pointed towards the floor of the passenger side. She thanked me and reached for my makeup bag. I was concentrated on the road so I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening until it was too late.

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