Chapter 28

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Link for the amazing trailer below :)

"Eric what are you doing here?" I mutter as Minerva moves on to the next student and continues taking roll.

"I don't know yet, I'm still finding my place in this big lonely world," he sighs dramatically. I can't see Eric that well because Jacob was seated in between us who wasn't happy in the least to be stuck in the middle of our conversation.

"I mean why are you here at the Embassy," I roll my eyes at him. Jacob really has rubbed off on him. Wow, I never thought I would say that.

"This is where I would be if I had come to Italy with you a month ago, why are you so bothered that I'm here now? Isn't that what you wanted?" Eric asks me and now it was my turn to sigh dramatically. Of course I want him here more than anything else but after what Melody told me, I can't help but worry about Eric being here.

"Eric I need you to trust me ok," I began saying while looking straight ahead at the white board where Minerva was scribbling something about recovering destroyed evidence.

"I always trust you," he replied.

"Then believe me when I tell you that you need to leave," I whisper back while jotting down notes.

"That's not happening, I made the mistake of putting us to the side and now I'm trying to fix this. Why can't you understand?" he asks me, exasperated.

"It's not that I don't want you here dammit, I literally think you shouldn't be here for your own wellbeing!" I whisper shouted in frustration.

"Wait what?" he asks confused.

"Melody called me, she said if you came to see me here in Rome that I couldn't let you come to the Embassy with me," I replied but at that moment everyone in the class began getting up so my explanation was drowned out by all the tables and chairs moving as the students got up.

"Wait what's happening?" I asked realizing I hadn't been paying attention.

"Fix your relationship problems later love birds, we're going to do an exercise," Jacob grumpily explained as he shoved ahead of me joining the other students that were exiting the classroom.

"Wait what are we doing?" Eric asks me as he walked up next to me.

"You didn't pay attention either??" I replied.

"No I was kind of talking to you remember? Which isn't over by the way, you have to explain everything to me," he points out and I nod my head.

"You guys coming or what?" Blaire called from up ahead. We nodded our heads and followed Minerva and the rest of the students outside of the classroom and out into the hallways.

"What's going on?" Eric asked her as we all walked together.

"I don't exactly know but we're doing some sort of drill outside," she shrugged her shoulders. We asked a few other people but no one seemed to know exactly what it was that we were doing. So instead, we continued to walk in order to find out.

We headed past the cafeteria and outside towards the gardens behind the Embassy where Minerva came to a stop. All of the students huddled around her expectantly.

"Alright trainees, you guys can study all you want from the books but it's time to see your skills put into action," she began and we all remained quiet in anticipation.

"First you need to pick a partner. Once you've chosen a partner you must decide who is A and who is B," she began and everyone began to move. Eric looked down expectantly at me and I nodded my head. Bianca and Tiffany partnered up while Palma and Karlie partnered up. Akio and Lavender were unsurprisingly partnered up as well. To my surprise, however, Jacob and Blaire ended up partnered up. I raised my eyebrows at her but she just shrugged her shoulders and smirked.

"I'll be A you can be B," Eric offered.

"How come you get to be A?" I ask him teasingly.

"Because my last name starts with an A," he reasoned with a laugh.

"Alright, I hope everyone has chosen because we're about to start," Minerva yells over the noise and everyone immediately quiets down.

"Ok then, let me explain how my little drill is going to go down. If you're A then you're going to be the receiver. If you're B you are the carrier. So far so good?" she asked and we all nodded our heads.

"Good, now if you're a carrier  you're going to have an object that you're going to have to grab and carry across an obstacle course of sorts. In between the obstacle course your partner, or the receiver, will wait for you. If you're a carrier, you have to hand the object to the receiver. Once you're back together with your partner you both have to make it to the end of the obstacle with your object. If you don't make it to the end together, you both fail," Minerva explained and everyone started muttering and talking at once.

"But wait there's more," she smiled.

"There aren't enough objects for every team, only for half of you. This means the carriers have to fight for the object. Anything is valid except weapons," Minerva reminded us, looking directly at Bianca and Blaire. They both sighed in disappointment.

"Alright if you're an A follow me," Minerva said as soon as she finished explaining.

"You got this," Eric kissed my cheek as he followed the rest of the A's. I looked around to see who had been left. There was Jacob, Karlie, Lavender,Tiffany, and a few other students who I didn't know so well. They all looked nervous. Well except for Jacob who just looked bored. Or mildly constipated, whichever you prefer.

"I guess that means that everyone here is a B," Minerva stated as she returned. This time she was alone which meant everyone who was an A was already waiting for us in the obstacle course.

"There are exactly 8 teams and I have four keys in my hands. These keys open up a door at the very end of the obstacle course. If you and your partner both make it through that door then you've passed,"

"What happens if we don't pass?" Karlie raises her hand and asks.

"You better hope you do," Minerva responds.

"So the obstacle course is made up of two easy terrains; the maze and the tunnels. As you can see, the gardens here at the Embassy have beautiful and large mazes. Your partner is somewhere in the obstacle course. Once you have the key, your first step is to find the entrance to the tunnels. Your partner will be somewhere in the tunnels. These tunnels will lead to a door with a lock. That is what the key is for. I'll be right on the other side of that door. Easy enough right?" she asked.

"Just remember that without the key, the whole mission is over so you need that key," she smiled looking down at the four silver keys in her hands. She tossed the keys above us and began walking away.

"Good luck,"

Lavender jumped up and caught one of the keys in the air before it could land on the ground. Before any of us could react, she was gone running towards the maze. I began running towards the nearest key when I heard barking, faintly in the distance.

"Oh and did I mention that we have a couple of dogs that can trace your scent? They're like our personal timers. Yeah, I'd hurry if I were you," Minerva smiled as she walked away.

Well shit.

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