Chapter 10

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Eric's POV

She's in a long black coat tonight

Waiting for me in the downpour outside

She's singing "Baby come home"

in a melody of tears

While the rhythm of the rain keeps time

"Are you ever coming down for dinner or are you going to keep listening to your sad music and moping in your room? Because I will eat your food," I heard Jacob yell from downstairs in the kitchen. I turned off my music and scowled. I hate having him as a roommate.

Not only does he take my clothes with out asking and hogs the TV but he's also an ex convict who tried to steal his father's money and murder my friends, my girlfriend, and me sophomore year of high school. Its safe to say I didn't exactly welcome him into my home with open, loving arms and a fruit basket.

He served three years of jail time after that and now he's out on probation for good behavior. As part of his release deal he has to train with my sister and I. Interpol decided that after seeing the results of his IQ test. The psychopath is actually smart. Shocker...

"Hands off my food Callahan," I muttered shooing him away from my pizza box.

"Thats not my last name anymore, I got disowned by daddy dearest," he reminded me grabbing a slice anyways. He went over to the other side of the kitchen and began filling up a mug with coffee from the pot.

"I wonder why he'd ever do that," I scoff sarcastically.

"That's ok, I've got you now as my best friend and roomie huh?" he laughed taking a seat on the couch and turning on the TV. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. This is not the assignment I had in mind. I could be in Italy right now training with my girlfriend instead of babysitting this psycho.

"Why can't you get better paper plates? These are so thin the pizza grease is dripping onto your cheap couch," Jacob muttered taking a sip of his coffee.

"If you hadn't been a greedy bastard you could be eating off of the best quality paper plates in your own marble mansion instead of dripping pizza grease on my very comfortable and tasteful couch," I said defending my old couch.

"Enough about my daddy issues, what's got your panties in a twist Eric?" he asked setting his plate down and looking at me in all seriousness.

"Yeah because I'm totally going to open up to the guy who tried murdering me. Do you want to braid my hair and do my makeup after?" I shook my head scowling at him.

"Are you really still mad at me for that? It was nothing personal Alonzo and to be fair a nice powder blue would look great with your skin tone. It would make your eyes pop out," he smiled.

"How about I make your eyes pop? With a knife?" I suggested angrily.

"Why so violent dammit. Your hot sister would not appreciate you killing off your guest. What kind of manners do you have?"

"Don't call my sister hot. It's bad enough you dated Charlee, you're not getting anywhere near Melody,"

"So that's why you've been in a bitter mood," Jacob smiled knowingly.

"I am not bitter," I mumbled eating some pizza.

"Hmm well its not the coffee so it must be you,"

"Eat your damn food and leave me alone," I sighed.

"You haven't called her have you?"

"That's none of your business," I replied coldly.

"She's my ex girlfriend, I have some say in this right?" he reasoned.

"You tried murdering her," I deadpanned.

"Details, details

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"Details, details. Who needs them?" he waved it off. I just glared at him. I wanted this conversation to be over so I could go back to my room and blast Fall Out Boy. Oh and sulk, yeah that sounds like fun.

"Look Eric, its been three years. I did something stupid because I was an irresponsible teenager. I lost my family, my money, and my friends. I was in jail and even now I'm under 24 hour surveillance. And don't think I don't know about the gun you keep under your desk because you still don't trust me," Jacob said his teasing smile gone.

"Where are you going with this?" I asked confused and tired.

"Nothing I can do will give me my old life back and it's all my fault. I'm not asking for your pity. I'm trying to stop you from making a mistake you will regret. Charlee is an amazing person. I know that from the little time I spent with her. If you don't call her, you will lose her. She's in Italy a whole world away from you. If you don't make an effort then you're going to end up alone like me," he sighed and I gave him a sideways glance.

"Since when do you give relationship advice?"

"Since I've got nothing to lose and you have everything to lose," he replied.

"I don't want to call her and make her feel guilty for leaving me behind. Going to Italy was the right choice," I told Jacob.

"You don't even have to mention Italy. You guys can talk about anything you want. You can have a full conversation about your mutual hatred towards me if you want. But you need to call her,"

"I swear if someone had told me I'd be getting relationship advice from Jacob I would've locked them up in a mental institution where you belong," I told him laughing to myself.

"Yeah whatever just go get your damned phone already," Jacob rolled his eyes but he had a slight smile on his face. I grabbed my phone from the kitchen and dialed Charlee's number. I took a deep breath and waited for her to pick up.

"It sent me to voice mail," I sighed.

"Yeah well it's like three in the morning over there. She's obviously not going to pick up," Jacob said.

"You knew that and you still made me call???" I glared at him.

"Yeah well I got you to call didn't I?"

"I hate you," I said as I sat on the couch next to him stealing the remote control away.

"Hey! I was watching Game of Thrones," Jacob complained as I switched the channel.

"Shut up,"


So Eric and Jacob kind of getting along?? I'm kind of liking how Jacob's character is turning out. He's different now that he's not rich and so arrogant.

Lot's of you commented you wanted a chappie in Eric's POV so I hope you enjoyed that ;) I'll be making more now that I know you guys like them.

Also the song at the beginning was Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy and I put the song on the side in case you want to hear it. I was listening to it while writing the chapter and it reminded me of Charlee and Eric's long distance relationship so I decided to include it in the book.


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