Chapter 15

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**Unless stated otherwise it will be Charlee's POV by default**

"Blaire, shouldn't you be in your room studying instead of being over here?" I asked her as I looked through my set of flash cards for my Espionage 101 test tomorrow.

"See I don't understand the concept of that class. Why do I need to know the history of espionage? It won't help me out on the field," she shrugged her shoulders looking at the small stack of textbooks on my desk with disdain.

"It's useful because espionage has been going on for centuries and we can always learn from past methods. For example, do you know what a honey pot is?" I asked her looking at my vocabulary flash card.

"Are you sure you're not looking at your grocery list?" she asked me raising an eyebrow.

"No its an espionage term, code for a woman who is supposed to seduce a man in order to get secrets from him or place him in a compromising position. This is still used today but it was very popular among female spies in the early 1950's and 60's when women were viewed as innocent and harmless. Of course, we've always known better," I told Blaire and she nodded her head actually sounding intrigued.

"We've done that several times, haven't we?" she asked thinking of several missions.

"Yep, and now you know the term. Thats at least one question you will get right on tomorrow test," I smiled at her hoping this would encourage her to at least attempt to do some last minute studying. She remained silent and looked at my pile of notecards with an unsure expression.

"If you want, you can use my notes? I'm basically just reviewing now," I offered.

"I must seem pretty dumb to everyone huh?" she asked and I nearly dropped the notecards in shock. Where was this suddenly coming from?

"Are you kidding me? Who in the world said that?" I asked Blaire.

"I don't give off that 'smart' girl vibe like the rest of you do. You're smart on your feet and you get yourself out of any situation, Palma is a CIA grade level scientist, Tiffany is like a political expert and leader, and Lavender scored the highest on the IQ test. Me? I'm just here because I'm really good with a knife on any given day. You all must see me as the boy crazed, trigger happy one of the group," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Blaire, we're all smart here. We wouldn't have been recommended to study here at R.I.P if we weren't. You're one of the smartest people I've met. You know when to act, you're aware of consequences, you always know who the enemy is.

I know you wouldn't be able to tell adenine from guanine apart to save your life, but that's what Palma is good at. It doesn't make you less smart. Just the same, she wouldn't know which type of knife is the best to use against a moving target. We rely on each other because we're all different kinds of smart. That's why we're a team," I told her with finality. I didn't ever want to hear her say something like that ever again.

"God I must be getting really soft because I'm seriously buying your whole friendship togetherness kumbaya speech," she chuckled. 

"Alright now go study so you can pass that test and impress Cole," I winked and she just rolled her eyes.

"What? I know you have a crush on him," I told her crossing my arms.

"I don't do crushes, Charlee. I simply admire my surroundings," she laughs as she plucks the flashcards out of my hands and walks out of my dorm. I sighed and stared at her disappearing figure. I swear one of these days a boy will finally snag Blaire and send her plummeting down to Earth in realization. Love is going to hit her hard and I hope a good boy will be there to catch her.

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