Chapter 11

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"Charlee! Wake up!" Lavender yelled bolting me awake. The room was lit up in red lights as an alarm blared flashing and making an ear piercing noise.

"What's happening?" I asked bolting up right.

"I don't know, the alarms just went off," Lavender said.

"The alarms mean that there is a danger in the building and all the students have to report to their designated bunker room," Mac said getting out of her bed. The timid book worm we met was gone and she had a determined look on her face full of purpose.

I didn't need to be told twice. I put on my boots, lacing them up with out even looking. I grabbed the backpack I always keep under my bed in case of an emergency and was ready to go.

"Lets get out of here slow asses," Bianca said, also ready to leave. Well she wasn't any nicer.

"Where are the bunkers?" Lavender asked.

"Follow me," Mac said stepping in front of Bianca and taking the lead. There were other girls in groups too and the panic seemed to have stopped. Everyone was on their toes though. You could've dropped a piece of paper on the floor and we all would've jumped. We probably looked ridiculous scurrying about in our pajamas but fashionable choices were the last things on my mind.

A few minutes later we lost sight of any other groups of girls so it was just us four. The alarms had stopped and we were scurrying in the hallways of the dark embassy on our own. I quietly handed a flashlight from my backpack to Mac who said a quick thanks before we continued to walk.

"Did you hear that?" Bianca asked, her voice barely above a whisper. The group stopped and we stood quietly listening.

"Foot steps coming our way, get against the wall," Mac declared silently  and we all pressed ourselves against the wall as quiet as possible. Mac turned the flash light off and we all but held our breaths as the footsteps grew louder.

The footsteps came along with voices as well and they were approaching fast. I tried to listen closely and made out two, possibly three voices. One female two male.

"Crouch down," I told them and we all huddled close to the ground trying to not stand out in the darkness. 

"Shit," Bianca muttered when she realized they had flashlights. We were screwed. We didn't have much time and if we were captured they would probably take my bag away. So as the foot steps and voices got closer I reached into my backpack and grabbed my smaller items hiding it in my shoes and clothes. I hid a screw driver in my boots and I pressed a dagger in Bianca's hand who was right next to me.

"Well what do we have here," a flashlight shined brightly into our faces. Just as I suspected there were three figures. I couldn't see any specific facial features because of the bright light.

"Get up!" a female voice ordered. Seeing as we didn't have a choice we got up. They surrounded us and forced us to walk. I couldn't see any weapons on them but that didn't mean they didn't have any. We were pushed inside of the girls bathroom where the lights were on.

I could finally see the faces of my captors. The woman had dark tan skin with long black hair that was tied up in a pony tail. One of the guys looked very similar to her except he had shorter frizzy hair. The other guy was redheaded and tall.

"Alright girls, we're going to make this easy for you," the woman began. They were all dressed in black, how original.

"Tell us why you're here and who you're working for," the redheaded man asked but no one spoke up.

"Are you willing to die instead of telling us? We'll let you go free if you tell us who you work for," the lady spoke up now. Once again, no one spoke up.

"Fine, if you'd rather have it that way," the lady said as began to pull something out of her pocket. Before she could take the object out, Bianca pulled out the dagger I'd given her and in one blindingly fast motion, she threw the dagger at our captor snagging her hand and pinning it to the wall.

She yelped out in pain and our captors were in momentary shock giving Bianca the opportunity to spring up and run past them. As she ran out of the girls bathroom leaving us behind I heard Mac curse selective Irish words I couldn't understand under her breath.

"Well, it looks like your friend left you here for dead," the lady chuckled as she took the dagger out from her hand and tossed it aside with a smile.

"Lock them up. You stay guarding the room, we'll go take care of the run away," she spoke to the red headed man who nodded his head silently.

The remaining three of us were shoved into the handicap bathroom. He ripped the backpack off of my shoulders and blocked the door by pulling a lounge chair that had been placed to the side of a wall decoratively.

If we all tried we could easily move the couch from in front of the door but that would alert the red headed guy that we were trying to escape so moving the couch wasn't an option.

I looked around the stall and noticed something that caught my eyes. There was a vent, just above where the toilet was. It was a tight fit but we were all slim enough to fit in it.

I grabbed a piece of toilet paper and a pen I had been able to stash from my pack.

Do you know where this vent leads to?  I scribbled quietly on the toilet paper and handed it to Mac. As soon as she read it over she nodded her head. I took a deep breath and pulled out the screw driver I had stashed in my boots.

Steppingsilently across the tiles in the bathroom, I got on top of the toilet and crouched down so my head wouldn't peer over the stalls. I began to slowly unscrew the screws on the vent's metal door. It felt like I was crouched there for hours because if I made any noise, the red headed guy would be in here faster than it takes Blaire to pull a gun out of her bra.

I held onto the screws and used my hands to motion for the girls to get up. Mac was the first one to get into the vent since she had to lead the way. She quickly shimmied into the vent and was then followed by Lavender who noiselessly disappeared after her.

As I got back up on the toilet I dropped one of the screws on the floor and it made a loud banging noise as it hit the tiles. I was half way into the vent when I heard the lounge chair being moved and the bathroom door was swung open.

I slid into the large vent, I had enough space inside to turn around just in time to see the red headed guy stand on the toilet and reach into the vent. I had a good point of view of his face and with out hesitating I threw one of the remaining screws at his face hitting him right in the eye.

He fell right into the toilet moaning in pain as I ushered the girls to move faster down the vent. We needed to get away from here as soon as possible.


Hey guys! I'd like to thank you all for your continuing support of my books :) Just Cheerleaders continues to be #1 in Mystery/Thriller and you guys already have this book as #9 in Mystery/Thriller which is crazy because I only have like 11 chapters so thank you!!


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