Chapter 4

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Charlee's POV
So you guys got me the votes and comments in one day! I was gonna wait till tomorrow to post it but I'm going camping so I might not have service there. Anyways here's the chapter!

If all went well we'd be leaving to Italy in less than a week. That meant I had a few days to talk to Eric in order to sort things out and convince my parents that I could handle going to Rome. This was going to be an intense lunch.

Around noon my dad agreed it was time to go out for lunch so we all got in my dad's silver civic. The car was most likely new since it was remarkably clean and had that familiar 'new car' smell. I hoped that my dad and Eric could at least find a topic that they could both talk about but the car ride to the restaurant was painfully quiet if not awkward.

I was just about ready to throw my self out of the car, I mean I would most likely survive since I'm trained to jump out of a moving vehicle. However I knew that if I survived the jump, I'd have to survive the wrath of Blaire for ripping up her favorite top which she let me borrow.

Before I could decide whether or not it was worth it to jump off the car, we arrived at the restaurant. It was more of a diner though. It looked like a vintage type of diner from the 50's or 60's but everything looked well kept. With it's neon signs and shiny exterior, the diner actually looked inviting and I was hoping everyone would act civilized.

"You know, I actually think I took your mom out on a date here once," my dad smiled and put his arm around my mom as we took a seat at an empty booth.

"Dad," I groaned slightly. I didn't really want to hear about their stories, especially not in front of Eric.

"Wait I thought you guys were from Idaho?" Eric asked confused.

"Well we were from around here but once we began working in the uh, government, we decided to move somewhere more secluded," my mom said.

"Oh well I want to hear," Eric nudged my shoulder as a waitress came around to take our orders.

"Well we were about your age, maybe a little older," my dad began after we'd all ordered. I sighed but Eric looked genuinely interested.

"It was prom night and your mom had gone with some other weirdo, I don't even remember his name. Some random kid at school. I'd really wanted to ask your mom to prom but as captain of the football team everyone convinced me I had to go with Jeana, one of the head cheerleaders," my dad explained and my mom rolled her eyes.

"Hey I was on the football team too," Eric commented and my dad smiled.

"Oh really? What position?" my dad asked enthusiastically.

"I was captain too," he smiled and they started up a whole other conversation.

"Harold," my mom sighed exasperated.

"What? Oh right. Anyways it was prom night and your mother's date ditched her. She was sitting all alone looking beautiful in her dress when a slow song came along. I made my way towards her and asked her to dance. To my surprise she said yes and we began dancing. When we were in the middle of a song Jeana found us and threw punch at your mom," my dad continued the story.

"Oh my god mom what did you do?" I asked

"I thought you didn't want to hear the story," my mom smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Well it suddenly got interesting," I defended myself.

"After that I told Jeana I didn't want to see her again. Your mom was sad though since her dress was ruined and all. I told her it didn't matter and that we should leave the stupid party anyways. So we ditched the prom and we wound up coming to this diner. We were sitting in one of these booths and your mom was still sad. I asked her 'Well why are you sad now Diana?' and what did you say honey?" my dad asked my mom with a smile and she rolled her eyes and hit his shoulder with a laugh.

"I told him I was sad because I never got my dance," she replied with a smile.

"And so I got her up out of her seat and headed to the old juke box in the corner. Heavens know I have no clue how to work one. Your grandparents would but not me. But I managed and I played some old 60's song and made your mother dance with me right there in the middle of the diner," my dad pointed at the juke box which was still all lit up and working.

"Thats so romantic dad," I smiled.

"It sure was," my mom kissed my dads cheek and for once I wasn't all grossed out.

We managed to eat lunch and surprisingly Eric and my dad actually began a conversation about football. Everything was going smoothly. We were finishing off with milkshakes when my mom brought up the subject I'd been dreading all day.

"So what exactly is happening in Italy?" my mom questioned and I put my glass down. Everyone at the booth grew silent waiting for me.

"Its only for the duration of summer. The goal of going is to gain more experience so that I can apply for a steady job at one of the agencies. With a recommendation from Aunt Ally and proper training it should help me get a job in no time. I'm just thinking about my future. I just graduated high school, I have to start broadening my horizons," I explained calmly and my parents nodded their heads solemnly.

"We understand this is a great opportunity sweetheart but this is Rome we're talking about. It's not just out of state, its out of the country all together. Will you be able to handle that on your own?" my dad questioned.

"But the thing is, I won't be alone. I'll have my team and Aunt Ally will be there," I reminded them.

"What if something were to happen, would you be able to trust your team?"

"I've trusted them with my life before," I said.

"Alright I suppose you'll have to go to Rome and prove it then," my dad sighed.

"Really??" I asked

"Yes, you've proven yourself before. Why not now?"

Thank you so much. I'll make you proud," I promised as I got up and hugged them both.

"Sweetheart, we're already beyond proud of you," my dad responded as he hugged me back.

"You kids talk, we'll be in the car," my mom smiled as they payed for our lunch and headed out the door.

I put my hand through my hair and looked over at Eric. He looked more tired than ever.

"So you're really going to Italy then?" he asked softly.

"I have to, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I was just hoping I could keep you here with me," he sighed.

"Eric, but I am keeping you with me. You're going to be right here with me," I said pointing to my heart.

"But I can't hold you or kiss you. I won't see you smile or be able to cheer you up when that same smile is missing," he explained and I tried not to tear up. This wasn't the time or place.

"This is just for the summer, I promise we'll be ok," I told him.

"Alright, I don't want to fight," he sighed and we got up. I began walking towards the exit when I realized Eric wasn't behind me. I turned around and saw him standing by the juke box.

"What are you doing Alonzo?" I asked using his last name as I usually did when he was up to something.

"Care for one last dance Miss Wynters?" he asked and my cheeks flushed as I smiled.

"Of course but Mr. Alonzo this isn't a final dance," I reminded him as he inserted a coin into the juke box. A soft unknown melody began to play and Eric reached for me holding me close.

"I promise I'll finish this assignment as soon as I can so I can join you in Italy," he whispered as we moved together. With my head on his shoulder he couldn't see the tiniest of tear that escaped my eye. If I talked, he'd hear the croak of my voice so I just nodded my head instead.

Italy was so far away. I didn't want to think about it then. I just wanted to live a little while longer in Eric's arms as we spun slowly in the diner, the world a whole other blurry place not visible through my tears.


I swear I cried a little writing this. I shouldn't be getting too emotionally attached to fictional characters but I think its too late for that...

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