Chapter 31

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Blaire let go of Jacob and walked away, leaving him baffled. Well he wasn't the only one, that's for sure.

"Well that's Blaire for you," Lavender laughed.

"I'm so tired that even Blaire and Jacob kissing doesn't surprise me," Eric shook his head as we continued walking towards the entrance of the Embassy.

"I think he was more surprised than any of us," I noted with a laugh.

"Anyone up for a movie or something?" Akio asked looking between us as we began walking through the main gates.

"Can we get something to eat first? I'm freaking starving," Lavender asked and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Sounds good," he nodded his head. We walked through the Embassy doors in tired unison. We were heading towards the cafeteria before we were interrupted by a group approaching us. The Prime Minister, Marco, Sara, my aunt and a couple of R.I.P agents walked towards us before we could get to the cafeteria.

"Prime Minister Aducci," Blaire said giving him the best resting bitch face I'd seen her do all year. He ignored her and Sara stepped forward. I widened my eyes at my aunt as if to ask what the hell happened with our case but she held a finger to her lips signaling me to wait.

"I see there's a few new additions in your little group," she raised her eyebrows at Jacob and Eric.

"Wow you got us! You sure are one hell of a spy," Blaire smiled sarcastically trying to walk past her.

"You're not going anywhere just yet, we have to make a few things clear," Sara said not letting her keep walking.

"In case it wasn't clear the first time, you're all off the case. We've found Marco which was your only goal to begin with. Our team here at R.I.P is working on finding who was behind the kidnapping," Sara began looking at each of us sternly.

"But the thing is we already know who was behind it," Blaire replied coldly while looking at the Prime Minister.

"Excuse me young lady? Unless you have any physical evidence of what you're insinuating, I'd suggest you keep your pretty little mouth shut," Sara replied looking directly at her but Blaire held her gaze without faltering.

"That being said, if any of you have any evidence from the case I want it back immediately," Sara finally looked away from Blaire. I still had the USB but there's no way I'm giving it back. We know the Prime Minister is somehow involved and the video we have saved is our only lead.

"Lastly I hope you all understand the Head Quarters is off limits under all circumstances. Have a lovely lunch," Sara said waving goodbye as she walked away. The rest of the group followed except for my aunt who stayed behind. Once they were gone she beckoned us to follow her. She led us into one of the adjoining rooms and locked the doors behind her.

"I know that you guys have your suspicions about the Prime Minister and you're right. But so far we have no way to prove it," my aunt began.

"Just let us back on the case, we can help you prove it!" Lavender spoke up.

"The thing is I can't do that. I'm not the head of R.I.P anymore. Giovanni fired me and put Sara as the head of R.I.P instead. She gives out all the orders," she explained and we all broke out into shouts immediately.

"Shhh. Kids, I'm figuring out what we can do but for now we've got to focus on this case. I know you guys are all busy with training but if I could get you guys a way to work on this case without Sara finding out, would you be up for it? Even if it means being potentially getting kicked out of this school?" she asked us and we all nodded our heads without thinking twice about it. A chance is all we needed, just one.

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