Chapter 5

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Blaire's POV

"Do you think they broke up?" Lavender asked.

"Shhhh, I don't know," I shushed her. We were both sitting on the couch in the living room watching Eric and Charlee get out of the car with Charlee's parents. I was trying to hear what they were saying. I'm pretty decent at reading lips but honestly who in the world can concentrate with Miss Blabbermouth over here running her mouth.

"They've been together for so long, I was half expecting Eric to propose on graduation day," Lavender sighed.

"That's crazy," I muttered,"do you think she would've said yes?"

"I don't know, probably," she shrugged her shoulders.

"What are you two doing here?" Tiffany asked as she descended the stairs with her arms folded.

"Well Charlee texted us saying we needed to talk about something," I shrugged my shoulders.

"She went out with her parents and Eric to talk about Italy," she explained as she sat down next to us on the couch.

"Do you think he's coming?" Lavender asked.

"No he's not and Charlee was going to tell him she's going anyways,"

"Ugh the suspense is killing me. How damn long does it take to get into the house," I groaned.

"Quick, act normal," Lavender hissed as they approached the door.

"So did you see that new barista at Starbucks? He's cute don't you think? Oh hey, you guys are back!" I smiled as they walked through the door looking non too happy might I add.

"Subtle," Tiffany whispered sarcastically but I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Um, I guess I'll get going. Call me when you're ready to go to the airport so I can see you off ok?" Eric smiled at her.

"Wait airport? What's going on?" I asked bewildered.

"Yeah I'll see you later," Charlee smiled and kissed him goodbye. He walked out the door and I stood there completely unanswered.

"Can someone tell me whats going on?" I asked getting annoyed. I did not stay by this damn window for the past three hours for nothing. I want the details. I was about to go all spy girl on their lunch but I had the decency to give them privacy. Now will someone tell me just what the hell is going on???

"I talked to my parents and they're letting me go to Italy. Aunt Ally said it was better if we leave sooner so that we have more time to get accustomed before training starts," she explained.

"So in other words you just cut my time short for packing," I huffed.

"We're leaving tonight," she summed up.

"You could've just texted me that!" I exclaimed. Does this woman think I can pack all of my clothes in a few hours or something. I got up ready to leave so I can pack all of my things for Rome. Hot Italian boys here I come...

"Are you ok though Charliee? How are you and Eric?" Tiffany asked and I plunked right back down onto the couch. Best friend duties come before clothes and boys. Dammit this could take a while.

"I mean I know we still love each other. This obviously doesn't change how we feel. I'm just scared that this won't be the first time we'll be apart. We'll have other missions right?" she asked and Tiffany hugged her and put her hair to the side.

"Oh honey I know its hard but you two will get through this. It's just summer," she smiled. Tiffany and Charlee are probably the closest on the team but we all have each other and I know this is hard on her. I've never been in a long relationship but Charlee and Eric have been through a lot.

"Ok enough moping! You're going to Italy. As your friend I'm forcing you to have fun. I'm going to help you pack your cutest outfits, we'll do your makeup, and you're going to get on that plane looking like your fabulous ass self so you can remind Eric exactly what he's going to look forward seeing at the end of summer. Got it?" I snapped my fingers getting up from the couch.

"Yes! She's right, let's call Palma and tell her to start packing because we're headed to Europe!!" Lavender cheered getting everyone smiling again.






"Do you have the passports?" Tiffany asked.

"Got em," I told her as we double checked everything in the living room. The girl's luggage was already being loaded into the car

"Did you remember to pack warm clothes?" she asked.

"Its actually pretty warm over there right now so no," I shook my head.

"What about our equipment?"

"God damn it woman, I'm about to put you in a suitcase and send you off to Italy. We're ready to go alright?! Now stop nagging and get in the car," I told her and she finally agreed

The ride to the airport was fairly short and I was surprised to find out we'd actually be traveling on a private jet. So far things were looking up on this trip. I could not wait to leave California behind and start something new in Europe.

Everything was being loaded onto the plane for us and all we had to do was take a seat. I was happily drinking some wine and browsing a magazine when Tiffany plopped down next to me and stole my glass.

"Hey! Don't you know it's rude to steal someone drink? Get your own," I said trying to get it back.

"You're not supposed to be drinking! You're not legal yet," Tiffany said getting it out of my reach.

"Ah yes because we're always doing what's legal. It's perfectly ok for me to knock out a grown man and break into people's houses to hack into their security systems but god forbid I drink under age," I smile and take back my glass.

"I'm just trying to remind you that this isn't just a vacation to Italy where you can flirt with boys and get a tan. We're going to train," she said crossing her arms.

"You know, maybe I'll get you some wine. Ever had any alcohol before? Maybe I'll start you off with some grape juice,"

"Oh shut up Blaire, I'm serious," she rolled her eyes.

"As you always are. You, my friend, need a break. Grab a magazine and look at the cute flight attendants," I told her as I sipped my wine and continued to browse through my Vogue magazine.

"Are we ready to go yet?" Palma asked as she took a seat next to Tiffany.

"No she's saying bye to Eric and her parents and then we're taking off," she explained.

"Well this is going to take a while," I muttered as I drank the rest of the wine. Thank god I'm not in love. Sounds like a full world of trouble that just isn't ready to handle all that is Blaire Ladner. Too many cute boys, not enough time. Hopefully something fun will turn up in Italy.

"Ohh I should set someone up with Tiffany," I thought out loud to my self.

"Did you say something?" Tiffany asked.

"Oh nothing," I smiled. This will be fun.


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Nothing good if Blaire is up to matchmaking ;)


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