Chapter 32

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Super long ass chapter, enjoy ;)

"Ok we clearly have a suspect but we need a motive. Why would the Prime Minister want to fake his son's kidnapping?" Tiffany asked the following day. We were meeting in a room in the Embassy that usually serves for a conference room. It was spacious enough for all of us and usually unoccupied by the rest of the residents at the Embassy.

It was our first official meeting as a complete team. We decided we needed as many trustworthy people on the case as possible. So far it was our original group from home with a few new... additions. Now we had Jacob, Akio, Bianca, Natalia, Mac, and Cole aboard as well.

Tiffany and Palma hadn't made it through the obstacle course that Minerva tested us on a few days ago so they were punished by having to clean the maze and memorize every single corner of it. Afterwards they had to recreate an exact map of the maze and turn it in to Minerva.

I could see the bags under their eyes and could see how tired they were just by the lack of excitement in their demeanors. Usually a new mission would thrill them. For Tiffany, at least, it seemed to be more of a burden, especially with all the new recruits on our team.

"I still say it was a call for attention," Bianca offered her.

"How so?" she asked. She was standing at the head of the long, white conference table and there was a white board behind her. She grabbed a marker and began to scribble away.

"Well, because of the kidnapping, he and his family have been all over the international news. I think that would be pretty useful for him now that his son is running for the next prime minister," Natalia thought out loud and Tiffany wrote it down.

"Ok thats a possibility. However, the Prime Minister didn't kidnap his son himself. Who did he hire to do it? And how did they manage to leave without a trace?" Tiffany asked as she began pacing the room.

"We need to talk to Marco, he needs to tell us what happened," I sighed.

"He's never alone. He's always with his father and anytime we question him, he replies by saying he doesn't remember. He said he was taken out of his room sometime at night and was then knocked out. He doesn't know his assailants and won't tell us anything about where they took him before the airport," Palma shook her head.

"We need to get him alone," Eric muttered and everyone turned to look at Blaire.

"What?!" she asked.

"You need to get him alone and get him to open up about what happened to him on the night he was kidnapped," I elaborated.

"Why me?" she asked.

"You're the perfect person at getting a guy to slip up," Lavender deadpanned.

"But..." she trailed off looking at me as if referring to what we had been talking about yesterday.

"It's ok this is different. This is for the mission," I reassured her with a smile.

"What's going on?" Palma asked looking between us.

"Nothing I- I'll do it," Blaire agreed looking at Jacob for a fleeting moment.

"Alright well until we get to talking to Marco we need to focus on the evidence we have. Charlee, Cole, and Eric, I want you guys to take another look at that video. Someone clearly edited it and we need to get to the bottom of it," Tiffany instructed writing down our jobs on the white board.

"What about the blood sample?" Palma asked.

"You, Lavender, and Karlie need to get a deeper look at the blood. We need to run it through a bigger data base," Tiffany told her.

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