Chapter 18

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"I don't have any of my gadgets to help us get into the museum," I told the girls not understanding how we could possibly get past security. And if we did get past security, there were still cameras and such to worry about.

"Sometimes, the only gadget you need is your mind," Palma smiled and we all looked at her oddly.

"Listen theres got to be an easy solution, we just have to think. Let's walk around the museum until we find something. An unguarded door or at least an entrance without a camera," Palma continued to explain.

"Ok let's go," Tiffany sighed as we walked past the main exit and began walking around the museum casually. There were small metal doors the same color as the museum wall meant for faculty and staff but they had cameras right above them. We continued walking around until we spotted windows big enough to go into but they had alarm systems attached to it as well.

"There's no way in, we should just go to the front and knock out the guards. I'm sure we can convince Lucian to clear it all up," Lavender suggested but Bianca shook her head.

"Security cameras would still spot us and we'd be kicked out of that museum before we could even talk to Lucian," she explained as we made it all the way around the museum. We were on the left side now, this part led into a dimly lit alley. It was clean compared to other alleys I've seen but it was still dark and desolate since there weren't any street lamps to light a path.

"Wait, what about the trash chute," Karlie spoke up. We turned to see what she was pointing to and noticed there was a plastic, clear colored tube that blended right into the museum wall. It was hard to see and if Karlie hadn't mentioned it, we probably would have missed it all together.

"Are you crazy?" That's at least 10 feet high and its all straight up, we can't climb it if there's no incline," Tiffany said shaking her head upon seeing the chute.

"I can get a tool from my van to help us climb it," Karlie offered.

"I don't think this is a good-" Tiffany began telling Karlie but Bianca spoke up in the middle of her statement.

"We don't have any other option right now, just go get your tools and make it quick," she instructed and Karlie ran off, not needing to be told twice.

"Do you think there are cameras on this side?" I heard Lavender ask.

"They might but its too dark to see anything right now," I told her.

"They could have night vision cameras," Palma spoke up.

"Get against the wall just in case," Bianca instructed. We reluctantly stood against the slightly grimy wall behind the trash dumpsters.

"This is gross," Blaire said, her voice sounding nasally. She was probably pinching her nose to keep from smelling the awful stench of the trash bins. In a few minutes we heard the distant steps of Karlie running towards us in the dark. We saw her hair before we saw anything else.

"You brought a rope and flashlights???" Tiffany asked confused as she reached out to grab the tool Karlie brought.

"I don't think you understand what we're trying to do here kid," Bianca told Karlie with an annoyed tone the way a parent would talk to a child who won't stop talking and making a ruckus.

"You're trying to climb the chute, the rope will help. Trust me," she said and I didn't need light to know that there were probably looks of doubt and confusion on everyone's faces.

"Can you tie the end of the rope around my waist Charlee?" Karlie asked, her voice coming from beside me as she handed me the rope. It was rolled up and there was a lot more of it than I imagined. It was the kind of thick, dry rope that you can know will give rope burns on your hands if you pull on it too hard.

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