Chapter 34

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"Wow on the run from the law already," I laughed as we came to a stop at a random street. I wasn't even sure whether or not we were lost but I didn't really care.

"See I told you I was romantic," Eric smiled lopsidedly as he pushed me up against a building and kissed me lightly.

"We're in public," I giggled and pushed him away.

"So? They don't even know what we're saying and even if they did, well we're never going to see them again," Eric pointed out leaning in for another kiss.

"What's our next stop?" I ask him after kissing him back.

"Here," he said pointing to the small shop behind us.

"You know what store this is?" I asked him trying to read the sign. Libreria

"Nope but we're going to check it out. That's what tourist people do," he shrugged pulling me into what looked like a book store. Inside there were shelves upon shelves of stacked books organized neatly. They looked like city buildings rising high above our heads as streams of sunlight leaked in through the large windows on the other side of the store.

"Wow," I sighed looking around in awe.

"Alright here's what we'll do. We're going to split up and each choose something for the other person without each other knowing. After we buy the item we're going to meet up at that café across the street," Eric smiled as he looked at the shelves of books with a look of determination.

"OK but nothing too expensive," I requested.

"They're books! How expensive could they be?" he replied with a meager shrug.

"You'd be surprised what a deprived reader would pay for a good book," I told him knowingly as I walked away into the maze of a book store.

I ran my hand across the spines of the book as I browsed the titles looking for something that would catch my eyes. The book store seemed to have a little bit of everything. From the classics like A Tale of Two Cities and Little Women to some of the most recent and popular books like the Harry Potter Series and Fangirl.

I smiled at some of my favorite books that I've already read several times and even got a little distracted when a couple of new interesting books caught my eyes. There were so many to choose from but there was nothing that I wanted to give to Eric. Ive fallen in love with so many books before but I can't picture Eric liking any of them. I never really pictured Eric as the reading 'type' to begin with. 

I was beginning to get frustrated and kind of mad because I would show up empty handed at lunch. I turned another corner of the book store and noticed that the items stacked in rows were no longer books. There were hundreds of vinyls in their originals cases.

I smiled realizing that Eric never specifically said we had to get each other books. He said an 'item'. Well vinyls are items...

I was already short on time so I tried to remember some of his favorite bands as I rushed through the stacks of vinyls. I picked out the American Idiot Green Day vinyl and the Never mind Nirvana vinyl. I knew he would like both. I made sure he wasn't around before heading over to the front of the store towards the cashier register.

"Ciao, come posso aiutarti bella?" the young woman at the register asked me with a smile as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Voglio comprare questo," I replied showing her the vinyls, hoping I said it right. It's been a while since I've practiced any of the Italian I learned with my parents. She nodded her head and started scanning my items.

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