Chapter 40

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If what Bianca said was true then the same gang who destroyed her family has also kidnapped Marco and Blaire. I grabbed the notebook and ripped out the pieces of paper we used. I don't know about Bianca, but when I wrote in the notebook I didn't use my usual handwriting.

After tearing out the papers I ripped it into smaller pieces until I was sure it would be eligible. I would burn it if I could but that would set off a fire alarm. Instead I opened up a window and tossed out pieces of the paper. They flew away like confetti, raining down in the Italian country side. I waited five minutes before tossing more papers out and then another five minutes for the last bit of destroyed evidence.

"Alright, let's go. We still have half an hour until we get to Sorrento," I declared, moving the curtain aside. We got up and left our small booth behind walking to the next train car over.

"Any progress?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest as I approached our group sitting together in a much larger booth. They were laughing and as soon as they saw me they quieted down.

"I got you a sandwich," Eric offered showing me a turkey sandwich on a plate. I sat down beside him taking the sandwich. Bianca sat on the other side next to Akio and Lavender.

"Guys I know that Blaire is strong and that Marco has been rescued before but they were different circumstances. We need to take this seriously," I reminded them.

"It's not that we aren't taking it seriously but we all thought that if we focused on something else, at least for the train ride we might feel better. We weren't thinking like spies at the moment, we were thinking like Blaire's closest friends. And were scared for her," Tiffany explained. I nodded my head understanding but there wasn't any time to lose.

"We can relax for the time being but as soon as this train stops we have to make sure nothing get's in the way of finding either of them ok?" I asked and everyone nodded their heads. We relaxed for a bit, chatting like any normal group of tourists would on their first train ride through Italy.

"Do you remember the first day we all met? When Eric made Charlee spill that strawberry smoothie all over herself?" Lavender asked with a laugh remembering our first mission together when we were all in high school.

"It was a mango smoothie and I gave you my jacket even though you so rudely yelled at me," Eric recalled with a smirk. I rolled my eyes but gave him a smile anyways. My smile fell apart when I turned to see Jacob. I need to tell Eric what happened.

"Eric we need to talk-" I began saying but suddenly the train came to a stop.

"Break is over, we're in Sorrento," Eric exclaimed interrupting me as he got out of the booth and gathered his things. I grumbled in frustration. God I just want to tell him what the hell I did but everything keeps getting in the way. I have to tell him but it's never the right time.

"Charlee get a move on!" Tiffany shouted. Everyone else was already walking away towards the exit. I grabbed my messenger bag with a huff and caught up with the rest of my teams. I would tell Eric as soon as this was all over.

"This was the ferry port where Blaire's last coordinates were sent from," Jacob explained. We had walked from the train station a few miles down towards the edge of Sorrento where a small port was available to carry people across.

"Where does it take people?" I asked, there were no signs or people to be seen.

"Sicily," Bianca explained knowingly.

"They're gone by now!" Jacob exclaimed, panic written all over his face.

"Hey, we know where they're going, we just have to get there," Lavender calmed him down. We walked over to the small office. The lights were on inside and I could see two men eating and arguing with each other through the glass double doors. I reached for the door and pulled on it but it didn't budge.

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