Chapter 16

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"Alright, time's up. Please pass up your papers and open your textbooks to the next chapter," Ronnie, the redheaded man who I happened to have hit in the eye with a screw, said. He just so happened to be our Espionage 101 teacher. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot with a teacher.

"Today we're going to be talking about a spy's legend and no this isn't a legacy a spy leaves behind. Does anyone here know what a spy's legend is?" Ronnie asked looking around the class. A tall lanky boy with brown hair raised his hand beside me.

"Finn?" the teacher asked looking at the boy with the raised hand.

"A spy's legend is their claimed background usually supported by false documents and memorized details. It's also referred to as a cover," Finn replied easily.

"Very good Mr. DeSantis and a spy's legend or cover usually changes several times. Today you guys are going to be going through some replicated pocket litter. The goal of this activity is to determine what this spy's legend is," Ronnie instructed pointing towards the front of the class. On his desk where several items of clothing including a purse, a jacket, a wallet, and a pair of jeans.

"We're going through trash?" Bianca asked from the back of the classroom with a disgusted look.

"Pocket litter is a term used to talk about objects that belong to a spy. These objects usually help add authentic details to that agent's legend. For example receipts, candy wrappers, or jewelry," Ronnie cleared up.

"Looks like someone didn't pass her terminology quiz," Blaire smiled at Bianca who gave her a cold glare in return.

"Anyway, within your assigned groups from Covert Operations you will take one of the items and give me the cover of that agent," Ronnie instructed ending the staring contest between Blaire and Bianca.

"Team A gets the purse, team B gets the jacket, team C has the wallet, and team D gets the jeans," he said as the students moved to sit within their groups. We were handed the purse and Mac groaned.

"What's wrong?" Cole asked concerned.

"A purse is going to be the hardest to analyze," she said looking at the black handbag.

"Well at least we know it belongs to a woman of the middle class or lower because its obviously a knock off Prada. I mean, it's not even real leather," I deducted and then I realized everyone was looking at me. Well except for Blaire, who had probably already noticed as well.

"Hey! At this point I'm sad to say I know my brands!" I defended myself remembering the tons of designer brands I was forced to learn when I posed as a model for Linea Acardi a few years back.

"Ok well let's take a look at the inside," Karlie suggested.

"Wait! We need a direct plan and strategy!" Natalia grabbed Karlie's hand before she could unzip the bag.

"We literally only need to open the bag, we don't exactly require a plan B," Bianca rolled her eyes and unzipped the bag unceremoniously.

She started looking around through the contents and began taking them out. From the bag came a few lipsticks, two receipts, a napkin, loose change, and an agenda.

Good job Team A, you've got everything out of the bag. Now it's important to analyze the pieces, both separately and together ," Ronnie said as he walked by our table.

"Ok well once again these lipsticks aren't brand so she probably isn't very wealthy or isn't very materialistic," I reasoned taking a look at the lipsticks.

"What's on the receipts?" Mac asked and Cole opened up the two receipts.

"One is her bill for a meal at a café and the other is from an arts and crafts store," he said handing her the receipts.

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